  • 學位論文


Automatic Answering Support Mechanism for Online HIVAIDS Issued Questions

指導教授 : 邱昭彰


近幾年在健康照護服務(Health Care Service)的相關研究方面,對於有相關醫療疑問的諮詢者,偏向於建置實體與虛擬的管道進行醫療諮詢服務。隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,網路平台已經成為民眾尋求醫療諮詢與相互討論的重要管道,但是在網路上如此龐大的資訊中,找到的資訊常是片面或不完整的。當使用者無法得到正確、完整的資訊,往往容易造成觀念及認知上的誤導。 從社會觀感方面,在被貼上負面標籤的疾病議題中,其諮詢者通常傾向於把網路來當作找尋答案的管道,而不傾向採面對面的諮詢,尤其是以尋求 HIV/AIDS 相關醫療資訊情況更為明顯。 目前網路上, Community question answering (CQA) 逐漸成為一種可以快速分享知識的服務模式。本研究提出一個針對具有 HIV/AIDS疑慮問題的自動回覆機制。此機制以基因演化為基礎,利用基因加權的方式,能夠有效的將提問者所提出的問題,找到適當的答案,且提供給該提問者。


Over the past years, the research of the Health Care Service tended to build some physical and virtual ways for medical advisory services. With the rapid development of the Internet, Internet provides a public platform for seeking medical information and discussion. However, the information on the internet is much, so most of the information is partial and incomplete. And users cannot have the correct and complete information, so users will misunderstand the information easily. For the social perception, among the negative-labeled disease, consulters often tend to seek their answers on the Internet to avoid the face-to-face consultation, especially for searching the information of AIDS/HIV. Community question answering (CQA) has become the server model, which can provide information quickly. This study proposes an automatic question-answering mechanism for the concern of HIV/AIDS. The mechanism is based on a method of the genetic evolution, and it can provide suitable answers of the questions to solve the problem of much information on the Internet.


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