  • 學位論文


Communication Information Technology Integration and Application- The Battle Architecture of Military Ground Force Small Troops

指導教授 : 盧以詮


摘 要 自人類有戰爭歷史以來,研究以何種謀略集中軍力或分散敵人的兵力以形成局部之作戰優勢,是為兵家必爭之事。而反應時間即為爭取先機,在戰爭之運用上,它具有擴大軍力之作用,誰能爭取先機,誰即能集中兵力而獲致擴大的戰果。 軍事領域中的指揮和管制系統就像粘合劑,它能把戰場上的各種不同的武器系統、電子裝備和作戰平臺“粘合"成爲一體化的新型作戰系統,從而形成巨大的戰鬥力。這種系統就像人的神經網路和靈魂一樣,雖然抓不著、看不見、虛無飄渺,本身也未必有多大力量,但它卻可以指揮龐大的軀體和四肢去完成各種各樣的靈巧動作。這個系統就是目前在全球軍事領域風靡一時的C4ISR 系統,我軍稱之爲「指管通資情監偵」系統。 現代戰爭擁有完整且及時之C4ISR系統,才是制勝關鍵,而此一龐大的系統中,最為重要的,莫過於戰場上指揮管制,而發展適用之系統,其先決條件是戰場數位化。目前我國陸軍已建制一套「戰場指揮管制系統」,但因本軍C4ISR系統尚未建制完成,未能於各部隊推廣使用,且該系統未能滿足旅級以下單位之需求;與美軍相較,其旅級以上之指管運用ABCS(陸軍戰場指管系統)來對管制全軍之戰術行動,而旅級以下單位,則運用FBCB2【旅級(含)以下指管系統】來管制部隊之戰鬥作為,使用層級分明,可避免指管網路之擁塞及處理時序的問題;且依系統之特性及使用階層之需求性,可滿足旅級以下單位之需求。故本文以探討小部隊戰鬥時指管系統之架構、運用及指管作為。


指揮 管制 指管通資情監偵


ABSTRACT There are the competitions of every country military that researched how to forcus the force or separate the force of the enemy to gain the advantage of regional battle since the history of human had battled. It has the military power extension functions on the application of the war. The one who can previous take action will focus the most power and gain the best effect of battle. The command and control systems are as the “Glue” of the field of Military. It can “glue” different weapon systems, the electronic equipments and battle platforms of a new type battle system become a gaint battle power. This system was just as the nerves system and soul of human being. Although it can not been seen or caught, and it have not really strength power. But it can command the whole body, arms and legs to accomplish different kind ingenious actions. This system is the popular C4ISR(Command Control Communication Computer Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance) system in the field of global military that we called system. It is the key of victory that have overall and real-time C4ISR system in current warfare. It is the most important things that are the Command and Control in this huge system on the battle-field. The first condition of developing the appropriate system is the battle-field digitized. Taiwan Army already established a “Battle-field C2(Command and Control )system”, but because of the C4ISR systems are still under construction that can’t deploy to each unit, so the system can’t satisfy the units of the brigade and below level. To compare with US army, they used ABCS (Army Battle Command System) to the upper brigade level and used FBCB2 (Force Battle Command Brigade and Below) to control the whole brigade and below level operations. Seprated the using level that can avoid the traffic on the C2 network and time sequence problems. It could satisfy the brigade and below level unit by the characteristics of the system and unit level requirements. This article will discuss the small troop C2 systems architecture, application and C2 operations.


Command Control C4ISR ABCS FBCB2


1.王志傑,( C4ISR系統整體運用之初探),(國防資訊季刊),第4期,(民88年1月),頁82。
3.王志傑,( C4ISR系統整體運用之初探),(國防資訊季刊),第4期,(民88年1月),頁80。
