  • 學位論文

Ag-Cu-In三元系統在300 ˚C下之各相關係研究

Phase relationship in the ternary Ag-Cu-In system at 300 ˚C

指導教授 : 紀渥德


摘 要 三元合金系統Ag-Cu-In其優異的導電性以及穩定性在使用相對高溫的電子焊接工業上是很值得被注意的。然而,此一系統只有很有限的相關文獻資料而且其一致性不高,因此,在本研究中利用Ag-Cu-In這樣的系統來實驗並確定此一三元系統在300 ˚C下的等溫截面圖。選定組成比例後製備而成的合金樣本放置於300˚C的環境下退火三個月。相平衡之後的合金樣本將分別經由光學顯微鏡(OM)以及點子微探儀(EPMA)進行顯微組織以及其定量的分析。在此研究中發現了八個單一相態,七個三元相區域,以及十四個二元相態也分別被發現,而這些相態也經由X光繞射儀(XRD)的分析結果得到證實。經由在三元Ag-Cu-In系統中沿著Cu7In3- Ag66.7In33.3這個截面製備的一些合金之研究證實了γ(Ag2In)相的存在。透過元素組成分析,穩定的γ(Ag2In)相被發現在比其在Ag-In二元系統中之分解反應還高溫處,因此在γ(Ag2In)相與δ(Cu7In3)相之間可以形成一連續的相態。最後,在三元合金系統Ag-Cu-In之300 ˚C等溫截面圖將呈現所發現的所有相以及二元區域和三元區域。


无铅焊接 相图 等温截面


The ternary Ag-Cu-In system hooks a great attention to the electronics industry due to its excellent electrical conductivity and stability at relatively higher temperature soldering. However, only a limited number of phase equilibrium information is available on this ternary Ag-Cu-In system in the literature with inconsistency. The 300 ˚C isothermal section of the ternary Ag-Cu-In system is experimentally determined in this study. Sample alloys were pre-pared as selected compositions by annealing at 300 ˚C for three month. The equilibrated al-loys microstructures were examined micro-graphically and quantitatively by OM and EPMA, respectively. Eight distinguishable phases were found. Seven ternary phase regions were con-firmed. Fourteen binary phase region were observed. Observed phases were also confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD). The existence of γ(Ag2In) phase was investigated by preparing some alloys along the Cu7In3- Ag66.7In33.3 section of Ag-Cu-In ternary system. By compositional microanalysis, stable γ(Ag2In) phase was found at temperature higher, than its decomposition reaction in a binary Ag – In system thus a continuous phase field can be formed between γ(Ag2In) phase and δ(Cu7In3) phase. Finally an isothermal section of Ag-Cu-In ternary system at 300 ˚C has proposed with all phases, all binary and ternary regions.


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