  • 學位論文


A new combining parameter for affine combination of two normalized LMS algorithm

指導教授 : 李仲溪


適應性濾波器已經廣泛的被應用在訊號處理及通訊領域中,其中適當的步階常數以及合適的調整參數可使濾波器具有更優秀的能力。本論文提出一種結合兩個適應性濾波器,並提供不受訊雜比影響的方法,結合兩個濾波器是希望能保留步階參數大或小時之優點,以達到快速收斂及良好的穩態誤差之效能,並且透過可調變的 參數及調整參數之改善,可在系統環境發生變化時,皆有很好的穩定性及運作效能,並藉實驗模擬驗證本演算法的良好性能。


Adaptive filters have been successfully applied to signal processing and digital communications. The suitable step-size and appropriate regularization parameter play a critical role of adaptive filters. In the thesis, we propose an affine combination of two NLMS algorithm, which can maintain a good performance when the signal to noise ratio is changing. The proposed algorithm provides fast convergence rate and low steady-state mean squared errors as well. Efficacy of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated through simulations.


combining parameter affine NLMS


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