  • 學位論文


Applying PZB Model and Importance-Performance Analysis to Investigate the Hospital Service Quality

指導教授 : 高浩雲
共同指導教授 : 邱亨嘉(Herng-Chia Chiu)


摘要 研究背景及目的 自健保實施後,台灣的醫療環境快速變遷,國人對於醫療服務的期望亦不斷提高。民眾選擇醫療服務時,不僅注重療效,並期待舒適的醫療環境,先進的醫療設備,及有禮的工作人員。本研究運用PZB不同關係人服務品質缺口模型、服務品質量表Service Quality (SERVQUAL)與重要績效分析IPA模式探討醫院服務品質,以提升醫療服務品質。 研究方法 本研究為橫斷面研究,以結構式問卷進行調查。研究樣本醫院為南部某地區醫院-C醫院之門診病人、住院病人、基層服務人員及醫院主管。立意取樣發放710份問卷,有效問卷593份,回收率83.52%。計分為Likert Scale尺度量表五等距。以SPSS 20版為統計分析工具,每個構面Cronbach's α值為0.778至0.921之間。使用ANOVA分析、獨立樣本t檢定、成對樣本t檢定進行資料分析與驗證假說。統計顯著水準訂為P-value 0.05。 研究結果 一,主管認知分數皆高於病人期待分數,表示主管能充分瞭解病人的感受,並超過病人所期待。二,主管與基層服務人員對於醫療服務皆有共識,相同對於外在環境及硬體設備覺得仍有改善空間。三,病人期望與體驗差異分數,在五個構面皆為負值,代表病人整體為不滿意,尤其在回應性服務與關懷性服務差距最大。 結論與建議 C醫院對當地居民的確提供了許多不可或缺的醫療照護,可惜的是病人的滿意度並不高,尤其是在關懷性與回應性的差異頗大。希望透過研究結果,能夠提供醫療管理者改善服務品質的重點,提升病患的滿意度,增進醫院經營效率,醫院也能因病患滿意口碑而創造優先就醫選擇,達到雙贏的局面。


Abstract Background and Purpose Since the implementation of the National Health Insurance, the medical environment in Taiwan has changed rapidly, people's expectations for medical services also continued to increase. Thus, when people look for medical services, they not only focus on efficacy, but also expect smooth procedures, comfortable environment, advanced medical equipments and polite staffs. Thus, this study use PZB service quality gap model、SERVQUAL scale and IPA model to investigate hospital services quality, in order to improve the quality of medical services. Method This study is a cross-sectional study, was conducted by a structured questionnaire. The research sample is the case of C Hospital. The research objects were on outpatients, inpatients, junior staff and hospital supervisor team. 710 questionnaires are randomly sampled with a 83.52% of survey response rate. Questionnaires are rated on a five-point Likert Scale. SPSS version 20 is used statistical tool with Cronbach's α for each pre-coded response ranging from 0.778 to 0.921. ANOVA, Independent-Sample t test and Paired Sample t test are employed for data analysis and hypothesis tesing. P-value 0.05 is the statistical standard. Results 1: The supervisor’s perceptions score is higher than the patient’s expectation score, that means the supervisor can understand the patient’s feelings and exceed the patient’s expectations. 2: The supervisor and junior staffs have consensus on medical services, and also feel that there is still room for improvement on external environment and equipments. 3: The difference scores between patient’s expectations and experience all are negative in five dimensions, that means the patients are dissatisfied as a whole. Especially the largest gap are Responsiveness and Empathy services. Conclusions C Hospital does provide a lot of indispensable medical cares to the Linyuan area people. Unfortunately, the patient's satisfaction is not high, especially the difference in Responsiveness and Empathy services. We do hope through the research results, it can provide supervisors with key points to improve service quality, to increase patient’s satisfaction and hospital working efficiency. In the meantime, make patients choose medical treatment of Chienyu hospital priority, due to patient’s satisfaction, and achieve a win-win situation.


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