  • 學位論文

想我眷村的婆婆媽媽們 :高雄海軍第一代眷村女性的生命經驗研究 (1948~1967)

Missing My Grandmothers and Mothers in Navy Military Dependents Villages: The Women of First- Generation Mainlander’s Experience in Navy Military Dependent’s Villages in Kaohsiung (1948-1967)

指導教授 : 成令方


本文試圖以性別研究的角度,分析眷村外省婦女的生命經驗。由於過往關於外省族群的文獻資料,絕大多數以外省男性的研究作為所有外省人的生命經驗代表;本書作者則認為,「外省眷村婦女」經歷眷村從無到有的草創,並且長期生活、居住、活動在眷村裡面,才應該是眷村研究的重點對象。相較之下,過去眷村研究中,老是將焦點置於「常常不在眷村」的外省男性,這樣的研究不但失焦,也顯然的沒有意識到「眷村」中最關鍵的人物:女性眷屬。 筆者以高雄的海軍眷村為研究的田野,範圍在高雄左營、旗津兩地的七個眷村,田野中包含了官階較高的將軍村、以及低階士官兵居住的眷村。這樣具有階級性差異的研究對象,有助於筆者理解關於「外省婦女」的生命經驗研究,除了必須討論其族群面向、以及性別面向之外,尚需注意位屬於不同階級身份的外省婦女,也具有異質性的經驗差異。 本篇論文的開展以家庭和女性社群為兩個脈絡,討論外省第一代婦女在國共內戰後從中國流亡到台灣,居住在眷村之後的生命故事。第一個重點放在個人的生活和家庭的建立上面,以性別、族群、和階級的面向交叉分析探討,希望能呈現出外省婦女在台灣建立起自己的家庭,這件事情是如何被她們所理解、所呈現?外省女性到了台灣定居之後,她們的軸心家庭經驗和台灣本省處於大家庭環境下的婦女生活有何差異?她們又是如何在台灣締結婚姻、建立起自己的家庭?在此我藉由Wolf的「子宮家庭」的概念,試圖呈現在父權結構下的外省婦女,即使沒有婆婆的監督,「生育子嗣」對她們而言仍然具有重要的精神象徵意義。另一方面,我希望能藉由階級的比對,討論不同階級的眷村母親是如何在族群、性別的考量下分配家庭資源,以做出對子女最完全的照顧。 第二個重點則是放在外省婦女到了台灣後,締結人際網絡,以及在眷村社群中與他人互動的過程,並且希望能盡可能的呈現出外省群體內部的異質性。外省族群在台灣失去了原生家庭的人脈網絡支持,眷村婦女們之間居處在緊密的空間和人際互動關係之中,她們以擬親屬的締結替自己在台灣建立起新的人脈網絡,她們是如何選擇擬親屬的締結對象?她們又是如何認同、理解眷村婦女群體間的連結關係?而這樣緊密的連帶、稠密的眷村居家空間,帶給她們哪些社會資源?又帶給她們哪些情緒勞動?眷村裡的外省婦女長久以來一直被視為同質性的群體:她們都是外省族群,她們之間情感融洽、常常具有擬親屬連帶的身份,她們也都經歷類似的流亡經驗。然而,筆者認為,就是因為過去的研究忽略了群體中個人的能動性和差異,才造成我們對於外省婦女的想像過於單一;在此研究中特別引用差異政治的概念,針對個人的異質性做出解釋和分析,並且理解個人的異質性來自於階級的差異、性別的差異,以及更複雜的個人背景的差異,我們不能用同質性的想像作為分辨群體的工具、當然更不能以個人某一個身份歸屬作為個人生命經驗理解的全部。 從以上的研究顯示,在台灣早期的眷村,在被政府刻意隔絕、封閉的環境中,外省婦女以各種同質性的想像作為理解群屬的方式,而這樣同質性的聯結關係也造成她們一直沒有辦法融入台灣這個「異地」。筆者認為,族群政治在台灣,假若群體的關係一直在於尋求同質、排除異己,則族群之間相互的排除最後也將造成個人網絡的封閉與社群和社會間的脫節。從眷村第一代外省婦女的生命經驗研究中,我們可以理解她們身分、生命的特殊性,並且藉由這段婦女口述史的挖掘,從過去總是執著於族群身分的分界中脫身,將「外省研究」轉為性別面向的關切,也希望以此種多元、多角度的探討,作為台灣長期以來總是針鋒相對、壁壘分明的族群議題中可能的出路。


外省族群 性別 階級 眷村 流亡 子宮家庭 擬親屬 差異政治


Different gender of mainlanders could significantly affect their feel to the new land: Taiwan. However, in the history of migrant mainlanders, women are in no way visible, not to mention discussed and studied. In the study, I propose a multiple identities hold by migrant mainlander women instead of one ethnic identity as proclaimed in the mainstreaming discourse. Their multiple self- identities are fluidly located in the web of ethnic, gender and class. The diaspora women felt difficult to integrate with the local Taiwanese, but the gap between them was not as tough-fixed and serious as we thought. The study demonstrates that women’s common experience, for example: childbirth, can really breakthrough the ethnic boundary. Within the military dependents villages, there was class difference . While the residents in high ranking villages, such as general’s villages, could always get abundant resources and lived in comfortable houses, whereas the residents in soldiers’ villages might just get barely-enough food and lived in crowded shelters. We can easily find out many differences that affected women’s daily lives , and the difference is rooted in the class difference. Facing the challenges from the diversity of differences, the women with similar identities felt that it was important to build up their own social networks. I observed that they connected each other by a created kinship as academically named ‘pseudo kin’. Women made such supportive community which indeed were very helpful for going through the tough time during the post-war period and the community even sustained their life-long sisterhood. How did the diaspora women make their new family in Taiwan? What is the difference between mainlanders and other ethic groups in Taiwan? Why do I need to tell the stories about the differences between those old ladies ? Why do I need to argue that knowing the differences among people is important? Here I propose a useful theory of politics of difference. The theory aims at exploring the multiple identities in everyone which derive from various social, cultural, ethnic, class, gender and generational positions, as long as we can understand the differences and respect them, we can be cooperated with each other under the same goal for social justice, This is the ultimate aims of my study.


江文瑜 (2006) <口述史法>,出自《質性研究:理論、方法及本土女性研究實例》,台北:巨流。
