  • 學位論文


A Study on the history of the Japanese navy sixth refinery(Toshien Oil Refinery)

指導教授 : 黃士娟


位於高雄市半屏山北麓的中油高雄煉油廠,幾乎是每位生長於工業都市的高雄人一部分的生活記憶。對整個台灣而言,高雄煉油廠亦被喻為是台灣能源與石化產業的原鄉。然而,普遍現行的媒體多關注於其所製造的污染及地方居民與中油之間的抗爭評論中。在其已經歷70餘年的歷史探討上,仍存在著諸多有待釐清之處。 因此,藉由研究日治時期日本海軍於此地設立煉油設施的始末,說明高雄煉油廠及其周邊環境是一處值得被保存的文化資產,為本研究之主要目的。藉由歷史文獻研究、口述歷史訪談等方法,回顧日治晚期至戰後初期,本區設立的始末。來歸納出區域內具有文化資產價值的設施與建物,以作為文化景觀劃定後,保存範圍的參考依據。 經由上述評估後,本研究結果發展出以保存強度分級、分類之方式,將高雄煉油廠所屬之部分宿舍區與廠區劃為文化景觀之核心保存區,凸顯日治時期日本第六海軍燃料廠於此設立,並持續被中油使用至今的歷史價值與定位。 高雄煉油廠及周邊所屬之設施景觀至今仍存在著許多與都市計畫、區域發展、文化景觀維護與再利用相關值得後續被探究之議題,本研究僅針對日治時期創設之歷史脈絡作為文化景觀保存之依據。隨著未來政經環境變動,本區仍持續的有更多值得被討論的議題。


In Taiwan, Kaohsiung oil refinery has been described as the home of the energy and petrochemical industry. However, the media pay more attention on the pollution it produced and nearby residents gathered to protest against environmental pollution. About the refinery’s history review is scarce and still have many things worth studying. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to explore the reason why Japanese Navy decided to establish this refinery in Kaohsiung and explain Kaohsiung oil refinery is an industrial heritage worthy of being saved. With literature research, interviews and other research methods to review the history of the refinery during 1943-1945.Through the course of history review and reorganization, the study hopes to assess the value of buildings and facilities that in this area and as a reference that after the factory staff dormitory area(Hong nan dormitory area)logged in the culture landscape. This study suggests that factories and staff dormitory area should be preserve. The reason is that the building and factory build in 1943, and some are still be used. The refinery has great historical and technical value. This area still has many important issues worthy of study, just as city planning, regional development, culture maintenance and reuse. The study only pay attention on the history of the refinery during the Japanese colonial period in Taiwan. In the future, the region still has much issue that worth being studied.


1986 《第六海軍燃料廠史》。第六海軍燃料廠史編輯委員會。
2006 《高雄文獻》〈詩酒簃隨筆(七)〉。19(1):91
