  • 學位論文


The Craftsmanship of Lin Yi-Ya, a Traditional Mason of Dong-Yin

指導教授 : 林會承


本研究試圖以林依芽之傳統做土工夫,建構東引歷史及文化等面向。東引傳統聚落位於南澳。聚落內之傳統厝,可分為兩期,期一為1901-54年,自由貿易時期;期二乃1955-71年,戰地政務時期。林氏為期二之傳統做土司傅,由擔任小工、自修成大工。於1973年前,執業項目為傳統起厝、結灶及修繕。爾後,因面臨軍方引進洋灰厝、物資管制,及提供低價之營建系統,導致傳統起厝產業快速蕭條,因而林氏自修、結合傳統工夫,轉而起洋灰厝。於1978年退休。 傳統起厝分為石、木系統,東家以收工方式聘司。其起厝流程,依序分為初期之集資、備材、厝基等部份;中期之厝身、徛扇部分;末期之厝頂部位;收尾之繼縫、地兜部分。以上四階段約需2-3月完成,期間做土、度繩、東家各司其職,適時互為協助。傳統結灶則為做土負責,依構造之差異,分為老灶及地下風灶,需2-4日完成。根據田調結果,林氏現存作品,以傳統厝數量為多,傳統灶幾乎已拆除。而傳統起厝行業,約於1978年解散,徒留傳統老厝,及人之記憶,訴說這段已消失之歷史。


The aim of this paper is to explore the meaning of Dong-Yin history and culture that through a traditional mason craftsmanship of Lin, Yi-Ya .Tow periods traditional house of traditional village of Nan Ao. 1901-1954 “Free Trade” period, and 1955-1971 “Civil Affairs Military Government” period. Lin, Yi-Ya was a traditional mason in 1955-1971. His work built traditional house and stove, but in 1973 the military controlled goods and materials and supported people to build reinforced concrete house. In this situation, Lin turned to built reinforced concrete house. In 1978 he retire. Traditional house’s system include Stone-carving, mason and carpenter. To build proces of traditional house include four part and 2-3 months to finish. First, to prepare money and base. Second, to build roofing and raise beam. Third, to build rooftop and final end. Host, mson and carpenter helped each other. Traditional stove include “ lo tsau” and “hun tsau”. It spend 2-4 day. In according to fieldwork, traditional house more than traditional stove for until now. Traditional build house industry disappeared in 1978. This history just keep in mind and traditional house.


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