  • 學位論文


A Study on the Hokkienized Hakka settlement in Heng-Chun

指導教授 : 林會承


本文是一篇關於漢人傳統聚落的研究。研究由六堆遷出的「客無到」(福佬客之意),在恆春地區東片山(中央山脈之意)近山與山區所建立的聚落,主要探討的聚落為客無到所建立的第一處正式據點-保力(今車城鄉保力村),以及再次遷移的永港(今滿州鄉永靖村、港口村),並以其他聚落之情形來輔助說明,時間範圍至西元1977年。在聚落研究的分類上屬於區域性聚落空間與形式之便遷研究,企圖全面性地瞭解影響客無到聚落發展的因素、客無到聚落的建構、對母文化的移植與變異。   研究方法上,先以前人研究建立起知識體系,並採取歷史文獻的解讀、各年代輿圖的套疊、田野調查所得之研究資料來撰文,將全文分為區域發展歷程與內部族群關係及互動、領域的構成與界定、聚落實質環境的構成與形塑、構成元素的作法與其形塑出的領域界定,共四章,首先摹擬出客無到所處的空間場域,再依空間層級的劃分,由領域、聚落實體環境、元素的營建體系來逐一檢視各層級的問題。   本文指出,客無到掌握、經營族群關係作為生存條件,承襲原鄉經驗與宇宙觀,採取宗族簇群的方式,建立血緣認為的城仔為基礎單元,逐次向外的三層防禦工事、緩衝區、天然屏障,形塑出防禦型態的聚落,各城仔共組聚落所憑藉的是我群的身份認同,但自然與歷史條件,使得領域由各聚落邁向區域整合,民眾轉往領域所界定出的地緣認同而造成變遷,發展出具地域特色的聚落型態而有異於六堆。   本文也可視為是篇關於族群文化的研究,為尚有客家認同的客無到留下紀錄,並銜接起六堆客家發展歷程的一環。


聚落 福佬客 六堆 中央山脈 恆春


This study aims to focus on traditional settlement of the Han Chinese. This study will elaborate about Luik-Tui, moved out from the Hokkienized Hakka, and the settlement located in Central Range and other settlement near the mountains. This study will focus on Bao-li, the first formal settlement of the Hokkienized Hakka, and Yong-Jing and Gan-kou. The situation of other settlement, around the year of 1977, will be used as supplement for explanation. This study’s aim is to understand thoroughly the factors of the development of settlement, the structure of the Hokkienized Hakka and the shift of culture.   The research methodology of this thesis is based on the previous research, maps of different centuries and the results of field study. This study consists of four chapters. 1. The process of development and the interaction within groups. 2. The definition and the structure of the territory. 3. The actual environment and formation of the settlement. 4. The elements of territory and the definition of its formation. This study first drew out the region of the Hokkienized Hakka, and divided d it according to space. From looking into the territory, actual environment of the settlement and the structure of elements, this study will analyze the problems of each area.   This study concludes that the Hokkienized Hakka survived through a good management of relationships within the settlement. Inheriting the homeland experience and the universe recognition, the Hokkienized Hakka adopted ancestry worship and built enclosure, based on consanguinity identity, created a defensive settlement which consisted of fortifications, buffer area, and natural barrier. Through time, each enclosure began to unite due to historical and natural conditions. Territory, which recognized regional identity, resulted in the location changing of settlement and further developed as one that has more regional features.   This study can also serve as a research on ethnic groups and the witness of the development of the Hokkienized Hakka, which is part of the Luik-Tui Hakka.


settlement Hokkienized Hakka Luik-Tui Central Range Heng-Chun


1972 《臺灣之過去與現在》。臺北市:臺灣銀行經濟研究室。
  2006 《重修鳳山縣志》。臺北市:臺灣史料集成編輯委員會。
  1959 《臺灣輿圖》。臺北市:臺灣銀行經濟研究室。
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