  • 學位論文


Comparing Nursing Workplace Bullying and Related Factors in Medical and non-Medical Facilities

指導教授 : 莊昭華


背景: 護理職場霸凌是普遍存在的現象,更因各種場域特性不同,可能有所差異。 目的:比較醫療與非醫療機構護理人員職場霸凌及相關因素。 方法:本研究為橫斷式調查研究設計。104年10月至12月透過網路招募台灣地區各個不同護理場域,六個月(含)以上現職護理人員為研究對象。以結構式問卷為工具收集資料,並以SPSS 20.0進行統計分析。 結果:共收集符合本研究條件完整問卷823份。主要研究對象為醫療機構(70.4%)、女性(97.9%)、31-40歲(51.6%),和大學學歷(73.4%)。超過5成已婚並育有子女和無宗教信仰、近9成無在職進修,和約5成年薪51-80萬元。全部參與者職場霸凌得分為48.1(得分百分比40.0)。另外,醫療機構的職場霸凌得分為49.1(得分百分比40.9)和非醫療機構為45.7(得分百分比38.1)。24.5%護理人員在過去六個月中有感受到職場霸凌,而醫療機構(25.9%)高於非醫療機構(21.3%)。病人/家屬/訪客者和同事兩類護理場域霸凌加害對象,在醫療與非醫療機構呈現顯著差異(p <.01)。每週工作時數、婚姻、目前工作年資、平均年薪為霸凌顯著的相關因子(p <.05)。護理職場霸凌經驗與否則和宗教信仰、每週工作時數,和職場進階相關(p <.05)。自覺遭霸凌人員中有72.3%、90.1%、69.3%、82.7%和77.2%對生理、心理、社會、工作意願和工作品質產生負面影響,64.4%出現發洩行為。 結論:職場霸凌仍普遍存在各護理場域,但醫療與非醫療機構霸凌程度及相關因子仍有差異。未來應針對醫療與非醫療機構造成職場霸凌的相關因子,制定適當的支援系統或訂定各種介入措施,以期能有效減低護理職場霸凌的發生,進一步提升護理人員身心健康和提供安全高品質的醫療服務。


醫療機構 非醫療機構 護理 職場 霸凌


Background:Nursing workplace bullying is a common phenomenon. However, it exits different situation of bullying in different settings due to specific characteristics. Purpose:The purpose of this study is to compare nursing workplace bullying and related factors in medical and non-medical facilities. Methods:This is a cross-sectional study design. We recruited nurses from different settings have been working more than six months between October 2015 and December 2015 in Taiwan. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information, and data is analyzed with SPSS 20.0. Results:Total 823 completed questionnaires were collected. Most of the subjects were female (97.9%), 31 to 40 years old (51.6%) with university educational level (73.4%) and from medical setting (70.4%). More than 50% subjects were married with children and without religion. Nearly 90% nurses did not have in-service training and nearly 50% those had 51-80 ten thousand yearly salary. Overall, bullying score (percentage of total score) was 48.1 (40.0). Furthermore, it was 49.1 (40.9) in medical settings and 45.7(38.1) in non- medical settings. In the past six months, self- experienced bullying of nurses working in overall, medical settings, and non-medical settings were 24.5%, 25.9%, and21.3%, respectively. Two kinds of bully, patient / family / visitors and colleagues, showed the significant difference in medical and non-medical settings ( p <.01). Weekly working hours, marital status, current job seniority, and yearly salary were related factors of bullying (p <0.05). The bullying experience of nurses were related with religious, weekly working hours, and clinical ladder level (p <0.05). 72.3%, 90.1%, 69.3%, 82.7%, and 77.2% of nurses with experience of bullying had the negative effects on physiological, psychological, social, working willingness and quality. In addition, 64.4% of them appeared vent behavior. Conclusions:Bullying is common in all nursing workplace, but there are different level and related factors in medical and non-medical facilities. In future, the appropriate support system or intervention should be provided according different characteristics in medical and non-medical facilities to reduce bullying, and to promote nurses’ health and quality of medical services.


蔡曉婷、韓錦樺、陳麗芳、周汎澔 (2014)‧護理職場霸凌與離職傾向及其相關因素探討-以南部某醫學中心為例‧護理雜誌,61(3),58-68。


