  • 學位論文

後殖民再現?: 薩爾曼‧魯西迪小說《午夜之子》兩中譯本比較

Recurrence of Post-Colonialism? : A Comparison of Two Chinese Translations of Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children

指導教授 : 藍月素


本研究以後殖民翻譯理論為基礎,探究薩爾曼‧魯西迪(Salman Rushdie)的小說之翻譯問題。研究文本為《Midnight’s Children》的繁、簡中文譯本: 張定綺的繁體譯本《午夜之子》與劉凱芳的簡體譯本《午夜的孩子》。探討繁簡譯本在傳達原文的後殖民書寫模式的文化詞、特殊英文書寫方式之翻譯問題為本研究的主題與目的。 本研究以印度裔後殖民翻譯學家霍米巴巴(Homi Bhabha)的混合理論與拉揚(Balachandra Rajan)的調製英文為研究基礎,兩位學者的理論均以印度為主要研究範圍,均以後殖民作家之身分,透過書寫方式表達反殖民的意識形態。研究分為兩個部分進行分析比較,首先將文化詞分成三類,探討後殖民文本語言混合的現象,並且比較繁、簡譯者翻譯這些文化詞所採用的策略;其次比較兩中譯版本處理調製英文(concoct English)的翻譯方法,以檢驗中文版譯者能否表現這些特殊的英文。 分析Midnight’s Children的繁簡譯本及原文當中的文化詞及調製英文後,本研究獲得兩結果: 一是繁簡版本多採用意譯策略處理文化詞,對神祇名則多採音譯的策略,然而,繁體版展現後殖民特色的文化詞數量多過簡體版。二是受限於中文書寫方式異於英文之實,致使中文譯者無法完全呈現原文利用調製英文展現後殖民意識的手法。研究統計結果也顯示,繁體版較能呈現原本調製英文的後殖民特色。綜言之,繁體版在處理文化詞及調製英文的後殖民色彩上均比簡體版成功。希望本研究可以為後殖民翻譯研究帶來一些啟發與實際的參考價值。


This study aims to examine whether eqivalent effect in translating cultural words and concoct English is achieved in both Zhang Ding-qi’s traditional Chinese and Liu Kai-fang’s simplified Chinese translation of Midnight’s Children. Methodologically, this study is divided into two parts. First, two Chinese version’s translation strategies for translating cultural words are classified into three categories and analyzed. Second, concoct English languages in both Chinese translations are also classified into three groups and analyzed. Homi Bhabha’s hybridity theory and Balachandra Rajan’s concoct English strategy are both adopted as a theoretical framework to analyze the hybrid languages in post-colonial literature. Both Bhabha and Rajan’s theories target mostly on post-colonialism in India. Their studies center on how Indian writers promote the anti-colonial ideology by writing English novels. The study examines what writing strategies are used in presenting anti-colonialism in Midnight’s Children, and how the Chinese translators do to reconstruct the ideology in their Chinese translations. Two results are concluded after all cultural words and concoct English under study are comprehensively analyzed. First, free translation is widely applied in both traditional and simplified Chinese version of Midnight’s Children, while transliteration is applied on translating deity’s names in both Chinese translations. According to the statistics from this study, traditional Chinese translations of cultural words and concoct English are more successful than those of the simplified counterpart in presenting post-colonial ideology. Second, concoct English is not rendered properly in both Chinese translations due to the different structures between English and Chinese. To sum up, traditional translation is more successful than simplified translation in translating the languages of anti-colonialism in Midnight’s Children. It is sincerely hoped that this study can offer practical insights into post-colonial translation studies.


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