  • 學位論文


A Study on the Influence of Disaster Cognition on Consumers' House Purchasing Decision -A Case Study of Tainan City

指導教授 : 紀雲曜


臺灣位在地震活躍區,地震活動頻繁,要如何與地震共生共存,減低地震的影響危害值得探討,地震對房屋的影響最為嚴峻。在民國105年2月6日,臺南地區受到「高雄美濃大地震」創及,其中永康區某大樓嚴重倒塌,造成115人死亡,死傷最為嚴重。本研究主要是針對經歷重大災害後的消費者,其購屋決策之行為是否會因重大災害產生影響,藉此來探討消費者進行購屋時,影響決策之因素。問卷調查對象為臺南市居民,由專家深度訪談開始,至完成問卷回收統計,研究內容為受訪者在經歷0206地震前及地震後,對於自用住宅及投資住宅,消費者對於購屋之認知及購屋偏好,居住滿意度之影響,以SPSS進行統計分析,在認知方面,臺南市居民對於購買自用住宅最重要因子「房屋結構」、投資住宅最重要因子「價格」;在經歷0206地震後購買自用住宅及投資住宅產生最重要影響因子均為「注重房屋耐震結構」;在偏好方面,對於購買自用及投資住宅一定會堅持的原則最重要因子均為「絕對負擔得起的價格」;在經歷0206地震後購買自用及投資住宅最重要影響因子均為「絕對要在安全地區」,顯見消費者在經歷地震後在購買自用及投資住宅的認知及偏好因子均相同。 在研究分析方面,臺南市居民對自用及投資住宅購屋認知,「位土壤液化區」相關係數最高且非常顯著,在經歷0206地震後臺南市居民對自用及投資住宅購屋認知,「完全沒有任何影響」相關係數最高且非常顯著;對於購買自用及投資住宅之偏好一定會堅持因子「絕對不可在土壤液化區」相關係數最高且非常顯著,在0206地震後臺南市居民對購買自用及投資住宅偏好會產生重大的影響因子「完全沒有任何影響」相關係數最高且非常顯著;受訪對象房屋所有權為自有,居住時間超過21年為多數,對於目前居住滿意度相關性低。「購買自用住宅時,最重要影響」因素一~因素三;「購買投資住宅時,最重要影響」因素一~因素三;「0206地震大樓倒塌事件,購買自用住宅會產生的重大影響」及「購買自用住宅,一定會堅持的原則」因素一;「購買投資住宅,一定會堅持的原則」;「0206地震倒塌大樓,對於購買自用住宅產生重大影響」;「0206地震倒塌大樓,對於購買投資住宅產生重大影響」均屬高信度。


Taiwan is positioned in an active earthquake region,the seismic activities in this is area are frequent. The question of how to co-exist with earthquakes and reducing the impact and harm of earthquakes is worthy of being discussed.Among the issues,the impact of housing is the most serious. On February 6,2016,Tainan was struck by an earthquake that happened in the Meinong District of Kaohsiung.The region worst affected was Tainan,where numerous buildings reportedly collapsed; especially in Yongkang District. There were hundreds of people trapped in a collapsed building,115 people have died inside this building.This study was conducted mainly for consumers who have experienced a major disaster, and whether the event will have an impact on them and to explore the factors of decision-making. This research populace questionnaire survey subjects are the residences of Tainan. It starts by the expert in-depth review and the completed questionnaire statistics. This study was conducted mainly for the consumer’s purchasing cognition and preference before and after the earthquake for home purchasing when choosing residence for own use and also investment properties. Using SPSS to make descriptive statistical analysis,correlated analysis, reliability and validity. When buyers are purchasing for own use,the most important factor is the housing structure. When buyers are purchasing for investment properties,the most important factor is the pricing. In research and analysis, Tainan residents had the highest and most significant correlation coefficient of self-use and investment in housing purchase. After the 0206 earthquake, the residents of Tainan City had no significant influence on the purchase and investment of residential houses. Also, after the the 0206 earthquake, the most important factor when deciding the purchasing for own use and investment properties is the area safety. This shows the effects of the home buyer’s decision making process when deciding on a home after the experience of a major disaster. The Tainan residence’s cognition on bit oil liquefaction zone has shown to be increased. Also,experiences of the 0206 earthquakes the Tainan residents purchasing for own use and investment properties purchasing cognition shows completely without any affect or absolutely not in the soil liquefaction zone. The interviewees of this analysis are self-home owners with some over 21 years of living in their current properties and also a low level of satisfaction on the current living conditions. The most significant influence: factor 1- factor 3. When purchasing properties for investment, the most significant influence: factor 1- factor 3. Also, principles that the home buyers for own use, as well as the principles that the home buyers for investment properties. After the incident of 0206 building collapse, it influenced the buyer’s decision when purchasing for own use. It also influenced the buyer’s decision when purchasing for investment properties, creating a high degree of confidence.


