  • 學位論文


Study on Cognitive Domain and Learning of Disaster Mitigation for Residents of Military Quarter-In a Case of Chang Jung Community in Tainan city

指導教授 : 邵珮君


隨著大自然氣候變遷及人為過度開發,致使近年來天然災害事件發生機率日益增加,不定時的天然災害隨時威脅著我們的生活環境,為大家所深切關注的議題。但隨著科技發達與社會快速變遷且居住人口密集,若發生重大災害時,公部門相關救援單位無法在第一時間內即時到達現場處理災害災問題,惟需由居民具有相關防災及救災知識與技能先行處置,始可避免災害及損失持續擴大。 本研究將以眷村社區居民防災認知與學習程度之探討,以台南市「長榮新城」社區為研究個案,透過協助推動團隊協助社區居民對居家安全檢視、居住環境狀況等實施社區防災教育,提昇居民防災知識、改善居住環境、建立互助合作的精神,並協助及關懷社區內高齡老人及弱勢者,俾以災害發生時能給予適切援助及避難支援。 研究顯示社區居民對參與社區防災教育課程中環境實勘與分組討論,提昇居民對災害發生的預防、居住環境檢視,及災害來臨時自救與協助行動不便或高齡老人救助工作的關注。為加強居民之間的相互合作與危機意識,社區內仍需定期舉辦社區防災相關知識與教育,落實至每位社區居民並身體立行,以因應突發的災害並減少損失,期以達成永續社區的目標。


Because of climate change and overexploitation of natural resources, the possibility of natural disaster is getting higher and higher. The unpredictable natural disaster threatens our environment from time to time, and becomes the issue everyone concerns about. However, with the development of technology and the densely populated living spaces, the rescue organizations of the government couldn’t still arrive at the scene of disaster and handle the problem in time when a severe disaster happens. Thus, as long as the residents have the knowledge and skills about precautions and rescue, the disaster would be stopped before it gets worse. This research discussed the precaution knowledge and cognitive level of learning for the residents in a military housing community, and took the CHANG RONG SIN CHENG community as the studying case. The study also carried out the precaution education referring to residents’ living environment and population composition through the professional teams’ help, in order to enhance precaution knowledge, improve living environment, build cooperation concepts, and concern the issues of the elders and the minority, thus giving proper aids and refuge supports right to the tragedy happened. The results have indicated that the observation of environment in person and panel discussion in community precaution education can improve the residents’ ability of precaution to hazard and inspection of living environment, as well as enhance awareness of self rescue and rescue of people with disabilities and elders. To have better cooperation and crisis consciousness among residents, the community should provide precaution education regularly to every resident. Therefore, we could handle the unpredictable disaster and reduce the loss of disaster to the minimum , hoping to reach the goal of sustainable community.


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