  • 學位論文


A Study of Life of Pi: Comparison of Translation Strategies between Taiwan Version and Mainland China Version

指導教授 : 李恭蔚


本論文主要為比較與評析楊.馬泰爾(Yann Martel)著作《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》(Life of Pi)之台灣與大陸兩種版本譯文。本文分五章:第一章緒論:包含本文之研究動機與目的和研究方法。第二章文獻探討:介紹《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》作者與內容大要,以及筆者所運用之翻譯理論背景評析。第三章將《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》台灣與大陸兩個譯文版本作比較,探討兩岸詞彙使用、句法呈現之差異和兩岸翻譯技巧之不同。第四章則討論譯者必須具備適度歸化與異化、意譯與直譯以及其他翻譯技巧的能力。第五章為結論。   本文主旨在了解譯者翻譯英文詞彙、片語、句子時,採取之修辭與翻譯策略。透過逐字逐句對照英文原著、大陸與台灣中文譯本之比較,發現兩岸中譯本出現之翻譯策略包括意譯與直譯、歸化與異化、增詞、略譯、語序轉換、正反表達等。除以上翻譯策略,筆者同時透過了解兩岸中譯本是否有誤譯、刪剪英文原著內容,來發現譯文之優缺點,進而分析原著與兩岸中譯本之故事內容、文章特色是否有所落差,甚至足以影響讀者吸收原著所表達之訊息或了解作者的原意。   透過此研究,筆者發現台灣譯文擅於透過意譯與歸化,利用中文習慣用語和修辭,來突顯英文簡單字詞,顯得中文譯文更為通順,便於中文讀者閱讀;大陸譯文則相對地較傾向於忠實原文,也就是透過直譯與異化,一字不差地試圖將作者的意思表達完整,進而避免自行揣摩,甚至偶有喧賓奪主的翻譯。筆者希望本論文對文學翻譯,特別是英譯中小說有興趣之譯者或一般讀者,能提供有益的參考價值。


歸化 異化 翻譯文學 翻譯策略


This study aims at discussing Taiwan and Mainland China translation versions of Life of Pi by Yann Martel. This thesis is divided into five chapters: The first chapter indicates the motivation and purpose of this study and research methods. The second chapter is about the authors, translators and contents of Life of Pi, as well as the background of translation theory. Chapter three compares the above mentioned two Chinese versions of translation, and explores the differences of both sides’ usage of vocabulary, syntax, and other language skills. Chapter four discusses the translator’s translation version by use of domestication and foreignizaion, paraphrase and direct translation, and other translation skills to investigate how these Chinese translations were produced. The fifth chapter is the conclusion. After analyzing words and sentences of the two Chinese versions of Life of Pi, the author finds out that their translation strategies include domestication, foreignization, addition, reduction, paraphrase, positive and negative expression, and words order. At the same time, the researcher tries to find out the differences of story narrative and its style between the two Chinese versions through finding out their advantages and disadvantages. The researcher discovers that Taiwan translation is good at using domestication and paraphrase to highlight English simple words and sentences. In contrast, the Mainland China version relatively follows the principle of foreignization and direct translation. The author hopes that the study will be helpful for those who are interested in literary translation especially English to Chinese translation of novel.


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