  • 學位論文


The study of factors related to unplanned return to the operating and plan operation of in Patients — Medical center in Northern Taiwan as example

指導教授 : 劉春初


本研究目的在探討北部某醫學中心住院病人非計畫性重返手術及計畫性手術病人之人口學特性、手術麻醉因素、傷口因素、重返原因、醫療品質之相關因素,於北部某醫學中心採一回溯性、描述相關性設計,採病歷資料的回溯和編碼,選取符合選樣條件之對象,當次住院進入手術室二次(含二次) 以上之「非計畫性重返手術之住院病人」,但不包括門急診接受手術病人及二次(含二次)手術後自動出院或轉院病人。資料收集來自該院資訊室電腦資料庫查閱手術紀錄之結果,以編碼匿名呈現,並無任何侵入性措施且僅供學術研究之用,決不以個別方式公開,期望透過本研究可提供機構瞭解住院病人非計畫性及計畫性手術病人的危險因子及其相關因素,以期在手術全期護理提供個別性安全照護之應用,落實並提升手術病人的整體照護品質為機構創造核心價值。 結果發現,非計畫性重返手術病人總住院天數及加護病房天數確實高於計畫性手術病人。


This study aims to understand the factors of demographic characteristics, surgical procedures, anesthesia, wound classifications, reasons of return, and health care quality between unplanned return and planned surgery of inpatients in a northern medical center, and adapts a retrospective and descriptive correlation design. The objects of study are inpatients who take surgery under unplanned return and more than twice (including twice) at same hospitalization and correspond to criteria by coding of medical records. While patients who take outpatient or emergency surgery more than twice (including twice) and who against advised discharge or transfer to other hospitals are excluded in this study. Data are collected from hospital computer center by retrospective non-invasive, and all the personal information are coded as anonymous number and never disclosed individually. This study expects to provide the understanding of the risk and related factors of surgery between unplanned return and planned to offer hospital, in order to provide individual safety nursing care at surgical period. Furthermore, to implement and improve the overall quality of care for surgical patients and to create the core value of institutional.


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