  • 學位論文

《購物狂的異想世界》英譯中比較研究: 以二元對立論為觀點

A Comparative Study of Two English-to-Chinese Translations of Confessions of a Shopaholic from the Perspective of Translation Theory of Dichotomy

指導教授 : 李恭蔚


本論文研究旨在以二元對立論為觀點,對《購物狂的異想世界》英譯中之兩譯本,即大陸譯者劉展與台灣譯者李穎真的版本作比較研究。全文共分為五章。第一章為緒論,介紹筆者研究此論文的動機、目的及研究方法,說明資料收集的過程與如何應用翻譯理論至所分析的實例中。第二章為文獻探討,包含原著作者生平與其作品介紹,以及譯者及其翻譯風格簡介,本研究採用的二元對立觀點之相關理論也在本章中詳述。第三章為以作者取向看《購物狂的異想世界》英譯中,分為「異化與忠實」、「來源語取向與譯文完整」兩節。作者取向是將讀者帶向作者,偏向異化、直譯及逐字翻譯,因此本章分別討論上下文與知識背景、精確原則、異國語保留、漏譯以及以作者取向看英譯中的重要性。第四章為以讀者取向看《購物狂的異想世界》英譯中。讀者取向是將作者帶向讀者,為偏向歸化、意譯及自由翻譯的翻譯方 法。本章分別探討四字套語、增刪法、用語差異、以及多元譯文四個面向,在以讀者取向看英譯中時,影響譯文的程度。第五章為結論,描述本研究對《購物狂的異想世界》英譯中之兩譯本分析比較後的整體發現。翻譯方法從來都沒有絕對的標準,不論是以作者為中心或以讀者為中心、直譯與意譯、異化與歸化、逐字翻譯與自由翻譯,所有的方法都必須仰賴譯者專業的判斷與轉換,和其他各種翻譯的策略和能力,以求在各策略間取得平衡,並創造最適當的譯文,這也是本研究的主要發現。


The purpose of the study is to investigate two English-to-Chinese translations, Liu, Chan’s translation and Li, Ying-Chen’s translation, of Confessions of a Shopaholic from the perspective of translation theory of dichotomy, comparing the differences between the two translations and relating the translation examples to the theory. The study includes five chapters. Chapter 1, introduction, introduces the motives, the purposes and the research methods of the study. Chapter 2, literature review, contains an account of the author’s life and her works, introducing the two translators and their translation styles. How the translation theory of dichotomy is applied to this study is included in this chapter. Chapter 3 investigates the two translations from the author-oriented perspective, emphasizing the function of Foreignization, Literal Translation, and Direct Translation. Chapter 4 investigates the two translations from the reader-oriented perspective, emphasizing the function of Domestication, Liberal Translation, and Indirect Translation. Chapter 5, conclusion, is the summary of the findings from the analysis and comparison of two translations. The research has found that there is no exact standard or perfect translation methods. Translators have to choose and adapt methods wisely and properly to create the most accurate and appropriate translations.


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