  • 學位論文


A study on the selection factors of store location for the family hardware retail store-The case study in Yunlin

指導教授 : 張慈佳


由傳統轉型的家庭五金零售賣場多為本土業者所創,實務上業者對於開店前的位置選擇是憑藉著經驗來進行評估,並無建全之整合且容易忽略其他重要因素,所以本研究希望整合業者之經驗,也融入相關領域專家學者之觀點,找出實地勘察時對新設家庭五金賣場重視的因素有哪些。 本研究歸納相關文獻中位址評估因素,並徵詢意見及參酌家庭五金賣場現況,經Delphi法設計專家問卷,尋找出賣場位置選擇14個重要準則,然後由AHP法運算準則相互的重要性,依權重排序分別為:消費力、停車便利性、人潮流量、經營成本、競爭店遠近、競爭同業數、店面可見性、攔截作用、店面道路寬度、車流量、租約長短、進入障礙、商店面積規模、基地形狀。再運用簡單加權法計算10家案例於各準則權重之總得分,作位置優劣排序,並與這10家案例所提供之營業額排序相比較,得知準則總分較高的賣場,其營業額也比得分數較低的賣場好。 本研究結果找出了家庭五金賣場選址的的影響因素,這些重要因素能夠提供相關經營管理者及私人於開設賣場作為賣場選址上之參考。


Most of the family hardware retail stores used to be the family hardware retailers were run by the locals. The local businessmen chose the location of their stores based on their own experiences instead of business strategies or precise studies. In this research, both the locals’ experiences and the experts’ points of views will be analyzed to find out the important elements of opening a new family hardware retail store. The elements of the location analysis in the previous researches and the current status of the family hardware retail stores will be studied in this research. The questioners will be designed based on Delphi method to find out the 14 important factors and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) will be used to analyze the relevant importance of those factors. The important factors are as follows: consumer buying power, the convenience of parking, people, operation costs, competitors’ locations, competitors’ quantities, the visibilities of the stores, the interceptions, the width of the passages in front of the stores, the traffic, the lease periods, the entry barriers, the size of the stores, the shape of the store bases. The simple momentum equation will be used to estimate the scores of 10 stores, which were chosen as cases studies in this research and also the revenues of the 10 stores will be reviewed. The result shows the stores with higher scores have better revenues. This research identifies the selection factors of the store location for family hardware retail stores, which will be valuable information for family hardware retail store managers and for those who would like to open a new store.


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2.Dale Miller&Bill Merrilees (2000), “’Gone to Gowings‘-An Analysis of Success Factors in Retail Longevity : Gowings of Sydney”, The Service Industries Journal, Vol.20,No.1, pp.61-85.


