  • 學位論文


Enviromental Assessment for Aboriginal Tribes’Reconstruction after 921 Chi- Chi Earthquake

指導教授 : 邵珮君


九二一集集大地震後原住民住宅重建已屆滿八年,投入相當多時間與經費,然而過去關於921震災後原住民重建相關議題的研究大多以參與社區重建工作方式,進行社區重建推行過程之描述、分析與檢討為主,然而,鮮少針對各個原住民住宅重建案例推行至今的生活環境與執行成效作綜合性的評估與比較,因此極有必要針對目前原住民住宅重建之重建情況及重建後生活環境加以評估,提出原住民住宅遷村重建的課題與建議,以利於未來推動原住民住宅重建政策能更符合原住民住宅重建之需求。 本研究透過文獻歸納出原住民住宅重建環境評估準則,藉由地方政府主管機關、學術界專家學者及部落領導者等專家釐清原住民住宅重建環境評估項目之相對重要性,採用模糊AHP進行原住民住宅重建評估模式之建構,進而遴選三叉坑部落、雙崎部落、上眉原部落、中原口部落及潭南部落為研究個案,並透過各評估項目作為居民問卷設計之基礎,根據住宅重建後各評估項目之居民滿意度為衡量值,將衡量值與本研究建構之原住民住宅重建評估模式之權重值加權計算個案部落之績效值,由個案部落各評估項目之績效值作綜合比較與分析,並輔以訪談了解個案部落住宅重建現況與課題。 本研究發現,在安全性評估面向中主要影響其績效項目為「遠離順向坡、山溪及山溝」、「防災設施、設備」、「通報系統傳遞災害訊息」及「透過社區學習課程,提升防災意識」;在健康性評估面向中主要影響其績效項目為「社區景觀美化」、「綠地」、「遊憩或娛樂設施」、「社區健康醫療網」及「社區關懷體系建構」;在便利性評估面向中主要影響其績效項目為「市場的鄰近」、「教育資源的充足」及「網際網路的普及」;在永續性評估面向中主要影響其績效項目為「具原住民圖騰之建築設計」、「原住民傳統藝術」及「原住民母語傳承」。 本研究透過「災後重建計畫綱領」之政策目標「塑造關懷互助的新社會」、「建立社區營造的新意識」、「創造永續發展的新環境」、「營造防災抗震的新城鄉」、「發展多元化的地方產業」、「建設農村風貌的生活圈」檢視各部落災後重建各項評估項目之達成與否,研究顯示「遠離順向坡、山溪及山溝」、「社區健康醫療網」、「社區關懷體系建構」、「具原住民圖騰之建築設計」、「原住民母語傳承」為住宅重建後可持續加強的重點。


It has been eight years passed since 921 Chi-Chi Earthquake occurred. About mentioning issues of aboriginal tribes’ reconstruction, many researches focused on discussing how to participate in housing reconstruction; however, it is rare to compare or to assess reconstruction environment synthetically. In order to suggest or to revise the policies for community reconstruction of aboriginal tribes, it is necessary to grasp the reconstruction situation involved in being at the same site and relocating of aboriginal tribes. By reviewing and compiling relevant literature on community reconstruction of aboriginal tribe, we may be able to establish preliminary evaluation framework. The study through questionnaires to know the opinion of scholars, experts, and local residents. However, the based on this understanding, tried to formulate a evaluation framework that would be appropriate for community reconstruction of aboriginal tribe. In this study, field survey and interviews are held in several aboriginal tribes which are named Shang-mei-yuen, Sen-cha-ker, Shung-qi, Chung-yuen-kou, and Tanh-nan. To understand the real situation of aboriginal tribes’ reconstruction, four aspects are revealed from the research to be the factor of assessment including safety, health, convenience, sustainability. The demonstration proves the main factors in the four aspects as follow:1.in safety:(1)housing reconstruction of aboriginal tribes site selecting keep away the slope hill and the rivulet(2)Disaster Prevention Facility(3)Disaster Prevention reporting system(4)take advantage of the community course to increase Disaster Prevention consciousness 2.in health:(1)beautification of community landscape(2)environment greening(3)Recreational Facility(4)community medical network system(5)developing community care network 3. in convenience:(1)nearby market(2)promoting education resources(3)Internet popularizing 4. in convenience(1)architectural design of aboriginal totem(2)aboriginal craft inheritimg(3)aboriginal language inheritimg. By reviewing reconstruction policies and holding the key of reconstruction goals to understand the real situation of aboriginal tribes’ reconstruction. The demonstration proves the main imperfections as follow:(1)housing reconstruction of aboriginal tribes site selecting keep away the slope hill and the rivulet(2)community medical network system(3)community medical network system(4)aboriginal language inheritimg(5)architectural design of aboriginal totem


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2.Gracey, M, Williams P, Houston S, (1997), Environmental Health Conditions in Remote and Rural Aboriginal Communities in Western Australia, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health,21(5):511-518.


