  • 學位論文

影響新生創業家創業決策 關鍵因素之實證研究

An Empirical Study of Critical Factors Impact Nascent Entrepreneur’s Entrepreneurial Decision

指導教授 : 莊立民
共同指導教授 : 林財源


創業是近年來成為學術教育研究的重要方向,而政府及民間投入創業活動中,創業不僅可提升經濟成長,更能增加就業人口以降低失業率,達成三贏的局面。本研究除對影響新生創業家創業決策相關議題之探討與提供未來欲創業之參考依據外,亦可讓有志自行微型企業創業的創業家們,掌握各項創業成功之關鍵因素,以提高創業成功率。在創業的過程中,所涉獵領域的廣泛,藉此磨練而激發出各種潛能,最終達到自我實現的境界。 本研究之研究對象為「新生創業家」,針對「影響新生創業家創業決策關鍵」進行探討,藉由文獻、專家意見訪談的質化方法及運用層級分析法的量化方法,計算出各構面指標的權重。 研究結果顯示,影響新生創業家創業決策關鍵因素中「認知因素」構面以「創業機會認知」之因素最具影響力;「自我效能因素」構面以「行銷能力」之因素最具影響力;「環境因素」構面以「創業精神的培育」之因素最具影響力;「機會辨識」構面以「創造能力」之因素具影響力 關鍵詞:新生創業家;創業決策;認知因素;自我效能因素;環境因素;機會辨識因素


Abstract Entrepreneurship became a significant field of academic research in recent years. In the entrepreneurial activities devoted by government and public, it not only enhanced economic growth, but also created job opportunities to reduce unemployment rate, which creates a three-win condition. Despite discussing entrepreneur-related issues for the nascent entrepreneurs to refer to in the future, they might also grasp the key factor of success. In the process of entrepreneurship, it involves with many fields, and may finally come to self-realization through hard work, potential and inspirations. This research took “nascent entrepreneurs” as subjects to conduct discussion over “issues influences entrepreneurial decisions”, and further discuss and determine the weight of each dimension through qualitative method of literature review and expert interview, as well as quantitative method of analytic hierarchy process. According to the results, the most powerful key factors influencing decision of nascent entrepreneurs were “entrepreneurial opportunity cognition” in “cognition factor”, “marketing ability” in “self-efficacy factor”, “cultivation of entrepreneurship” in “environmental factor” and creative ability in “opportunity recognition.” Keywords: Nascent Entrepreneur; Entrepreneur Decision; Cognition Factor; Self-Efficacy Factor; Environmental Factor; Opportunity Recognition Factor;


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