  • 學位論文

職家衝突對教師幸福感的影響: 以員工協助方案為調節變項

Explore the Impact of Work-Family Conflict Teachers' Happiness: Take the Employee Assistance Program as the Adjustment Variable

指導教授 : 張婉菁


因應現今多變複雜的環境及少子化的衝擊,教師扮演的角色更多元,需要花更多心力與時間在課務上,面對工作與家庭之多重角色所產生職家衝突的壓力,影響幸福感。吳清山(2012)主張「教育幸福(Well-Being Education)」建立在親師生的內心感受,教師更是整體教育幸福的關鍵人物。 張秋蘭(2014)指出現今教師支持系統多以精進教師專業為主,對健康、生活與工作並未給予適當協助,造成遭遇困難時,無管道給予協助。過往員工協助方案實施對象多為企業員工,尚缺乏以教師為對象之相關研究。 本研究採問卷調查法,以台灣「國中專任教師」為研究對象,依不同學校規模及區域立意抽樣。回收樣本數399份,有效樣本數349份。研究工具採 Carlson 等人(2000) 的職家衝突量表,余民寧、陳柏霖和陳玉樺(2017)的簡式中小學教師主觀幸福感量表(簡化版)及張瑋玲(2012)論文修訂而成的員工協助方案問卷作為研究工具。以階層迴歸分析驗證研究假設。 研究結果發現:職家衝突對教師幸福感具顯著負向影響 (β=-.260, p<.001);員工協助方案對職家衝突及教師幸福感間關係之調節效果未達顯著(β=.040,p =.628)。表示職家衝突越高其教師幸福感越低。因此,本研究建議應瞭解問題來源,並與教師溝通調整最佳資源分配,以達成角色平衡。在員工協助方案的健康面,定期提供健康檢查及心理諮詢,讓教師身體或心理達到紓壓效果。在家庭面可明訂工時及提供子女就學協助,讓教師減少職家衝突的情況。經濟面給予緊急協助及財務規劃諮詢。


In response to the changing and complex environment and the impact of declining birthrates, teachers play more diverse roles and need to spend more time and effort on school affairs. Faced with the pressure of conflict between work and family, which is caused by the multiple roles of work and family, it affects Happiness. Wu Qing-shan (2012) advocates that "Well-Being Education" is based on the inner feelings of teachers and students, and teachers are the key figures in overall educational happiness. Zhang Qiu-lan (2014) pointed out that today's teacher support system mostly focuses on improving the teacher's profession, and does not provide proper assistance to health, life and work. When encountering difficulties, there is no way to provide assistance. This research adopts a questionnaire survey method, taking Taiwan's "full-time middle school teachers" as the research object, and sampling according to different school sizes and regional intentional sampling. The number of recovered samples was 399, and the number of valid samples was 349. The research tool adopted Carlson et al.'s (2000) work-family conflict scale, Yu Minning, Chen Bolin, and Chen Yuhua's (2017) simplified subjective well-being scale for primary and secondary school teachers (simplified version) and a revised paper by Zhang Weiling (2012) Assist the project questionnaire as a research tool. Use hierarchical regression analysis to verify the research hypothesis. The results of the study found: Professional-family conflict on teachers' well-being have a significant negative impact (β=-.260, p<.001); The effect of the employee assistance program on the relationship between work-family conflict and teacher well-being was not significant (β=.040, p=.628). It means that the higher the work-family conflict, the lower the teacher's happiness. Therefore, this research suggests that we should understand the source of the problem and communicate with teachers to adjust the best resource allocation to achieve a balance of roles. On the health side of the staff assistance program, regular health checks and psychological consultations are provided to help teachers achieve physical or psychological stress relief. In the family, working hours can be clearly set and children's education assistance can be provided, so that teachers can reduce the situation of work-family conflicts. Provide emergency assistance and financial planning consultation on the economic side.


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