  • 學位論文


Legal Research on Data Protection in Taiwan - Focusing on Data Propertization

指導教授 : 李紀寬


隨著資訊與通信產業快速發展,資料的加值應用成為商機所在,「資料經濟」一詞漸受大眾矚目。然而,資料之法律性質為何?是否可成為權利客體?誰擁有使用或收益權限?此等問題在我國還未有充分討論。 所謂的資料,是指「適合用於溝通、解釋或處理之對其中蘊含資訊內容可進行重新詮釋的形式化表現方式」,其於巨量資料、人工智慧、區塊鏈及物聯網等科技中扮演著重要角色。 就個人資料部分,我國現行《個人資料保護法》係以人格權作為保護基礎,大法官解釋亦明文指出個人資料之自主控制屬於隱私權範疇;至於產業資料部分,除非符合《著作權法》、《營業秘密法》等智慧財產權法相關法定要件,否則不受保護。經本文實證研究發現,《個人資料保護法》有無法彰顯出資料有價概念、難以突顯資料之歸屬權與應用權等問題;而《著作權法》及《營業秘密法》則有財產化程度不高,即便受保護,其財產價值也未如預期之問題。 本文主要以美國法作為參考對象,並分就個人資料與產業資料兩部分,首先界定何謂資料、其於我國現行法律體系之定位,接著探討以財產權保護資料的可能性,最後提出資料保護法制架構新構想,試圖打破我國以往將個人資料自主控制涵蓋於人格權、隱私權下之想法,並挑戰未對巨量資料給予適當保護的現況,期望能喚起國人對「資料有價」之意識,邁向真正的資料自主。


With the rapid development of ICT industry, the value-added application of data has become a business opportunity, and the term “Data Economy” attracts public attention gradually. However, what is the legal nature of the data? Could it be the object of rights? Who has the rights to use or profit from it? These issues have not been fully discussed in Taiwan. The so-called Data refers to “Reinterpretable Representation of Information in a Formalized Manner Suitable for Communication, Interpretation, or Processing.” It plays an important role in technologies such as Big Data, AI, Blockchain, and IoT, etc. About the personal data, the basis for protection in Taiwan’s current Personal Data Protection Act are personality rights, and the Interpretations of Constitutional Court Republic of China (Taiwan) also expressly pointed out that the personal data self-determination belongs to the field of right to privacy. As for the industrial data, unless it is in conformity with relevant statutory requirements of the Intellectual Property Law such as Copyright Act or Trade Secret Act, it is not protected. The empirical research of this dissertation found that there are some problems in Personal Data Protection Act, such as the inability to highlight the concept of data value and the ownership and application rights of the data; while Copyright Act and Trade Secrets Act have a low degree of propertization. Even if it is protected, its property value is not as expected. This dissertation mainly references to U.S. law and divides into two parts: personal data and industrial data. Firstly, it defines what data is and its position in Taiwan’s current legal system, then discusses the possibility of protecting data with property rights. Finally, a new legal framework for data protection will be proposed. The new concept is an attempt to break the previous idea in Taiwan of covering the personal data self-determination under the rights of personality and privacy, and to challenge the current situation where Big Data is not properly protected. It is expected to arouse people’s awareness of “Data is Valuable” and move towards real data autonomy.


Bill Franks(著),黃海、車皓陽、王悅(譯)(2013),《駕馭大數據:從海量資料中挖掘無限商機》,臺北:碁峰資訊股份有限公司。
John E. Kelly Ⅲ、Steve Hamm(著),陳以禮(譯)(2014),《智慧科技-推動大智移雲的利器》,臺北:遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司。
Klaus Schwab(著),世界經濟論壇北京代表處(譯)(2017),《第四次工業革命》,臺北:遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司。
