  • 學位論文


"Seeing a Person":The Dilemma and Implement of Art Practice in China

指導教授 : 古明君




Abstract When art has a relationship with social issues in China, artists refer to such actions as "Art Practice." What will happen when Art Practice facing authoritarian regimes? Art practice in the place as outsider art. How does the artists obtain capital and continue to do Art Practice? What is the value of Art Practice for artists? How do they interpret Art Practice? What is the situation doing Art Practice in Chinese society? How do artists deal with difficulties? What kind of inspiration does Art Practice bring to the interaction between art and society? Through Participant observation of artists’ daily life, curating or doing Art Practice, etc. And in-depth interviews with 19 artists, founding that Art Practice is under pressure from China’s authoritarian regime. It is possible to produce new relationships with authoritarian regime. That not only conflict, but also cooperation and neutrality. Art practice faces the economic anxiety caused by the inability to enter market mechanism of the mainstream art, and the authoritarian regime controls all resources. The dynamic interaction of politics and economy makes Art Practice marginal. However, artists believe that the value of Art Practice lies in finding a position between themselves and society. The artists “reversely” doing a cultural movement through a rational and emotional working method. Through Art Practice in China, showing the relationship between people and society, and how a person can find his or her own situation and position in society, "seeing a person" in the social structure and the uniqueness of the individual.


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