  • 學位論文


Multifaceted Lives and Teaching Practice of Shadow Educators

指導教授 : 林文蘭


本研究的問題意識為:補教老師的教學實作如何再生產補習班的運作機制?藉由剖析補教場域多元行動者的互動,聚焦於補教專業形成的過程以回應提問。本研究採質性研究之民族誌方法,資料蒐集方式包含:參與實作、參與觀察和深度訪談。訪談對象共9位,包含:補教老師、安親老師、補習班行政人員、補習班經營者。研究發現補習班的運作機制和文化會配合周邊學校的辦學方針,形塑出「補教專業化」,補教工作者與學生和家長的互動過程形成「補教安親化」和「修補式服務」,最後「補教專業化」、「補教安親化」和「修補式服務」會再製補習班的運作機制。 本研究的分析軸線分為三部分:補習班的運作機制、補教專業化和補教的意涵、補教安親化的效應和修補式服務。首先,補習班的運作機制方面,描述私校學區管教嚴謹和競爭排名的文化、補習班師生的日常作息、補習班的招生策略。其次,補教專業化和補教的意涵方面,補教專業化是教學場域、學習場域和家庭場域三方互動協商的結果,而補教之於教育體制的意義是輔助或超前學校教育,私校學區映照出補教和學校教育隱微的配合關係,學校超前課綱的教學和考試更證成補教存在的必要性,使得補習年齡層不斷下修,導致補教又反過來強化私校辦學方針的正當性。最後,補教安親化的效應和修補式服務方面,少子女化的社會結構使得補教和安親的界線逐漸模糊,補教和安親複合經營的模式或補習班免費提供安親服務的措施,導致家長將親職外包,甚至把補教工作者視為教養卸責的對象,使得補教老師扮演多元化的角色,不僅要修補學生的學業和心靈,還要傾聽家長的教養煩惱以修補親子關係。


This thesis aims to study the concept of cram school reproduction process through shadow educators’ teaching practice. By analyzing interactions between different actors among the cramming-educational field, the formation of “shadow education specialization” is advocated. Qualitative research methods are adopted in this thesis. The use of ethnographic research based data collection is conducted with participatory practice, participant observations, and in-depth interviews. There are 9 respondents who participated in in-depth interviews. Identities of these respondents include: shadow educators, childcare teachers, cram school administrative staff, and cram school operators. The findings of this research showed that the mechanisms and cramming culture of cram schools follow the policies of local schools, and further cause “shadow education specialization”. A shadow educator-student-parent three-way interaction forms “shadow-educational childcare services” and “tinkering services”. These three ideas above lead reproductions of mechanisms for cram schools. Three main concepts are examined in this study: mechanisms for cram schools, “shadow education specialization” and its meaning, extension effects of “shadow-educational childcare services” as well as “tinkering services”. This article first illustrates mechanisms for cram schools. With depictions on tightly controlled and competitive classroom culture from private schools, it shows how local private schools intervene in daily routines and student recruitment strategies of cram schools. “Shadow education specialization” and its meaning are second analyzed. This study advocates that the concept of “shadow education specialization” is the result of three-way negotiations and interactions within teaching, learning, and domestic fields. Cram schools are situated as an after-school system offering supplementary or extra superior courses for Taiwanese formal education system. The meritocratic culture from private schools facilitates a complementary relationship between private schools and cram schools. Courses covering higher level materials and exams policies led by private schools strengthen the irreplaceability of cram schools. The condition above lowers the average age of cramming students, thus forms the regulation of empowering the legitimacy of private schools’ teaching policies again. Finally, regarding extension effects of “shadow-educational childcare services”, the social trend of fewer-children structure makes distinctions between cramming and childcare services become uncertain. Either a diversified operating mode or fee-free childcare services offered by cram school operators brought on the condition of “outsourcing parenting” and derivative services on parenting responsibilities transferring. “Shadow-educational childcare services” make shadow educators a multifaceted role which not only “tinkers” students’ academic performances and moods, but also share responsibilities on parenting and maintaining parent-child relationships.


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