  • 學位論文

以問卷調查消費者對傳統市場環境滿意度 —以新竹市中央市場為例

Consumers Satisfaction of a Traditional Market Environment Based on Survey Data -A Case Study of JungYang Market, Hsinchu City

指導教授 : 余士迪 蔡子晧


本研究的主要目的是要以問卷調查消費者對新竹市中央市場環境滿意度,以消費者的基本背景變項、消費屬性變項及市場環境的滿意度為調查項目,並以150份的有效問卷調查進行資料收集,利用統計軟體spss,針對研究假設以描述性統計:次數分佈、百分比方式、平均數,及推論性統計:卡方(交叉)分析,做為消費者對市場環境滿意程度分析,藉由分析後結果能尋求問題點,透過改善,期盼市場活化並能永續經營。 本研究結果顯示:「性別」對於市場的內部整體環境品質及市場的所在位置在滿意度上是有顯著差異;而「年齡」對於市場環境滿意度是沒有顯著差異;「教育程度」對於市場的內部整體環境品質在滿意度上也是有顯著差異;「職業」對於市場的環境衛生、走道乾爽程度、走道環境清潔、採光照明及市場的所在位置的滿意度上也是有顯著差異;「月所得」對於市場的環境衛生、走道乾爽程度、市場的所在位置及攤位走道規劃的滿意度上也是有顯著差異。綜合上述調查分析結果顯示:對於新竹市中央市場消費者對於市場內環境的滿意度項目前三名分別是市場的商品種類多樣化、市場的攤位配置與市場的所在位置;而最不滿意的項目前三名分別是交通(停車)方便、市場的走道乾爽程度及市場的室內溫度。研究者將滿意度項目範圍縮小為兩構面;市場的環境氛圍及市場的環境便利性,最終分析結果顯示:消費者對市場的環境便利性優於市場的環境氛圍。本研究希望能提供給市場管理者及攤商做為改善參考。


This study aims to examine consumers satisfaction of a traditional market environment based on survey data -a case study of JungYang Market in Hsinchu City. We utilized and collected 150 valid questionnaire surveys with variables such as consumers’ background, consumption attributes, and the satisfaction with the environment of the traditional market. The information data was analyzed with statistical software SPSS, descriptive statistics, frequency distribution, percentile, and mean. We also utilized inferential statistics; i.e. chi-square (cross) analysis. The results of the survey show that consumers’ gender and educational level result in significant differences in the level of satisfaction with the market’s internal environment and location. Different occupations and monthly income levels also result in significant differences in the level of satisfaction with environmental hygiene, the dryness of walkway, and the arrangement of booths in JungYang Traditional Market. The results of this study show that the top three factors affecting consumer satisfaction with the environment of JungYang Traditional Market are the location, product diversification, and booth configuration; the top three factors that consumers feel the most dissatisfied with are the inconvenience of parking, the wet walkway, and the indoor air temperature. This result confirmed that consumers view the convenience of the market in a more positive way than they viewed its atmosphere. Finally, the authors hope this study can be useful for vendors and market managers as a reference for future improvement, and look forward to seeing the revitalization and sustainable operation of the JungYang Traditional Market.


Satisfaction Traditional Market


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