  • 學位論文

將失敗的ITIL服務系統轉型為有效的IT服務支持模型 – 以L公司為例

Transforming a Failed ITIL-based Ticketing System to an Effective IT Service Support Model, Taking L company as an Example

指導教授 : 許裴舫


許多公司的IT組織出於各種目的呼籲採用信息技術基礎結構庫(ITIL),包括但不限於服務改進,流程再造,流程成熟度評估,ISO20000證書,成本效益優化,轉型等。L公司是個人電腦周邊設備行業的全球領導者,自2007年以來就開始了從以工程為重點到以客戶體驗為重點的企業轉型。為了支持這種轉型,L公司的IT組織重組了團隊結構,從去中心化轉變為集中式,並在2009年快速地實施了基於ITIL v2的票務系統而意外導致新舊兩個票務系統同時運作的混亂狀態。為了快速解決此問題,L公司的IT組織聘用了世界級的IT服務外包的合作夥伴,以幫助其建立外包的ITIL服務台並採用ITIL流程,但不幸的是在2010年再次未能成功。 根據汲取的經驗教訓,L公司的IT組織在接下來的五年中同時採取了自下而上和自上而下的方法以及關鍵行動,包括在基於ITIL v2的票務系統上實施需要與調整的ITIL v3流程,用ITIL v3的票務系統替換了基於ITIL v2的票務系統,而後將已建立的ITIL服務台改採內部營運方式,以成功地建立有效的IT服務支持模型,並實現用戶體驗為主,中心化,集中化的最終目標。 對於首席信息官(CIO),IT高級經理或對最佳IT服務管理感興趣的人,本案例研究將通過分享L公司的IT組織在漫長的轉型過程中是如何行動與利用ITIL v3框架,來幫助您思考終極目標的設定,內部和外部環境以及鋪一條通往成功的道路。


Many companies’ IT organization appeals to Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) adoption for various purposes, including, but not limited to, service improvement, process reengineering, process maturity assessment, ISO20000 certificate, cost-benefit optimization, transformation, etc. L company, a global leader in computer peripheral industry, started the enterprise transformation from engineering-focused to customer experience-focused since 2007. To support the transformation, L company’s IT organization reorganized the team structure from decentralized to centralized, and shortly implemented ITIL v2-based ticketing system in 2009 that accidently resulted in two ticketing systems running simultaneously in a state of chaos. To quickly fix it, L company’s IT organization employed a world-class IT Service Outsourcing partner to help build an outsourced ITIL service desk and adopt ITIL processes but unfortunately failed again in 2010. Based on the lessons learned, L company’s IT organization took both top-down and bottom-up approaches and key actions, including implementing needed and adapted ITIL v3 processes on ITIL v2-based ticketing system, replacing ITIL v2-based ticketing system with ITIL v3-based ticketing system, and then insourcing the built ITIL service desk, in the next five years to successfully make an effective IT service support model and achieve the end goal of user experience-centric, centralization, and process-oriented. For Chief Information Officers (CIO), IT senior managers, or who are interested in IT Service Management, the case study will help by sharing what and how L company’s IT organization performed and leveraged ITIL v3 framework in the long journey of transformation think through the end goal setting, the external and internal context, and how to pave a possible path to success as well.


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