  • 學位論文

營養保健食品之價值主張與行銷策略之研究-以 G 公司健康懶人包為例

The Value Proposition and Marketing strategy for Nutraceuticals Foods: A case study of G company’s HealthKit

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


慢性病是危害人類健康最主要的因素之一,包括了諸多的相關疾病,例如癌症、心血管疾病、中風、糖尿病、高血壓、以及慢性呼吸疾病等。也由於慢性疾病無法透過西醫根治,因此透過均衡的營養、健康的生活狀態和適當的運動來調節身體,使其逐漸從亞健康狀態恢復到健康狀態。均衡的營養是維持身體健康的重要因素,許多營養素都參與維持身體的正常免疫力。如果缺乏某些營養素,就有可能導致人體的免疫力下降,難以抵抗細菌或病毒的入侵,造成感染風險。隨著慢性病的增加、亞健康族群增多、以及社會老齡化,大家的健康意識也增強,對營養保健食品的需求也增加。 台灣的營養保健食品市場早已陷入紅海,面對市面上的琳瑯滿目營養保健食品,消費者卻不知道該從何著手。消費者在選購營養保健食品時,常常面臨的問題是不知道該吃什麼樣的營養保健品,應該什麼時候吃以及吃多少量。因此,本研究藉由透過分析消費者對於營養保健食品的具體需求,提出精準營養管理的價值主張,藉由G公司的HK個案分析、行銷策略為主要研究範圍,為台灣的健康管理產業提供一些經營上的策略建議。


Chronic diseases are one of the most important factors that endanger human health, including many related diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, and chronic respiratory diseases. People are faced with many chronic diseases and they cannot be cured by Medicine. However, the body can be adjusted through balanced nutrition, healthy living conditions and appropriate exercise, so that it can gradually recover from a sub-healthy state to a healthy state. Balanced nutrition is an important factor in maintaining health, and many nutrients are involved in maintaining the immunity. If certain nutrients are lacking, it may lead to a decline in the body’s immunity, making it difficult to resist the invasion of bacteria or viruses, resulting in the risk of infection. With the increase of chronic diseases, the increase of sub-health groups, and the aging of society, the demand for nutraceuticals has increased. This makes the world’s nutraceuticals market continue to rise. Taiwan’s nutraceuticals market has been plunged into the Red Sea. Although there are a large number of nutraceuticals on the market, consumers do not know how to select. When purchasing nutraceuticals, consumers often face problems such as what nutraceuticals they should to eat, when and how much they should eat. Therefore, this study uses the value proposition by analyzing the specific needs of consumers for nutraceuticals. With the HK case analysis and marketing strategy of G company as the research scope, this study provides some insights for Taiwan’s health management industry for business operations and marketing strategies.


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