  • 學位論文

台積電驅動半導體業典範移轉: IC設計A公司個案研究

TSMC Induced Paradigm Shifts in Semiconductor Industry: A Case Study on IC Design Company A

指導教授 : 黃朝熙


本研究以Collins (2019)的飛輪效應以及個案分析研究方式,探討台積電所驅動的半導體典範移轉對IC設計A公司的影響。A公司與台積電為策略聯盟,針對有高階製程需求的無廠設計公司(Fabless)提供設計服務,以虛擬IDM的模式提供晶圓代工、IC設計、封裝測試一站式服務。本研究以聯電IDM整合元件模式及其集團聯盟IC設計B公司為對照組分析比對,發現台積電引發的半導體典範移轉對A公司正向影響的證據。 本研究的個案分析以飛輪概念推論出A公司與台積電的合作商業模式、經營策略、以及內外部競爭的困境。在深度訪談與資料分析中,我們發現A公司現行的專案型商業模式,常為一次性合作,無法與客戶建立長久關係;同時A公司IP事業的高投資與低營收亦為其痛點。此外,我們發現台積電對A公司的助力同時也可能是阻力,而A公司若要成為永續企業,我們建議其應藉台積電給予的先進製程資源發展新的商業模式,轉型為設計外包公司。


This study analyzes the paradigm shifts of semiconductor industry induced by TSMC and their influences on IC design company A by employing the flying-wheel method of Collins (2019) and the case study analysis. Company A, a strategic alliance of TSMC, provides a turnkey solution consolidating IC design, assembly and testing for TSMC customers, which are fabless companies, with advanced IC design requests. By comparing the performance of IC design company B, a company similar to company A but a strategic alliance of UMC, with that of company A, the current study finds evidence of beneficial effects of TSMC induced paradigm shifts of semiconductor industry on company A. In our case analysis of company A’s business model with deep dive interviews conducted with top managers of the company, we find that one-off deals in IC design service and low profit margin in IP selling are the main weakness of company A’s current business model. We also find that the resource and support provided by TSMC to company A can be both a blessing and a curse. To be a long-lasting enterprise, it is suggested that company A be transformed into a design outsourcing company with the advanced technology provided by TSMC.


paradigm shift flying wheel TSMC UMC IDM IC design business model


Chen, Qiyang, Jaume, Sylvain and Wang, John (2016) “Opportune Paradigm Shift: How an American Technology Image Had Been Tarnished,” Journal of Management and Engineering Integration, Vol. 9, No. 1, P74-81.
Christensen , Clayton M. (1997) The Innovator’s Dilemma, Harvard Business School Press, Brighton, MA, USA.
Collins, Jim (2019) Turning the Flywheel, Harper Business, New York, USA.
Kuhn, Thomas S. (1962) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, USA.
