  • 學位論文


A Transformation of Shanzhai Enterprise in China - The case of Tianyu

指導教授 : 黎正中


「山寨」一詞源於廣東話,是「小型、小規模」甚至有點「地下工廠、不被官方管轄」的意思,其主要特點為模仿性強、快速化、平民化。此現象最初發生於中國大陸雜牌的山寨手機市場,由於山寨手機普遍具有功能強大、多樣化的特點,但價格低廉,於是受到了中低階消費者的喜愛。 從2003年開始出現由山寨手機蔓延到各種山寨產品的現象,「山寨」風吹向中國大陸的各行各業,連服裝、明星、電視劇都有「山寨」版。「山寨」從一種經濟行為逐漸演變為一種社會文化現象。然而,好景不常,受到金融風暴的影響,在2008年底時,整個深圳手機産業利潤平均下降了50%至60%,約有三四成的山寨手機企業倒閉。如今,許多山寨手機的廠商將「山寨」模式複製到其他消費電子領域,但也有不少的專家學者們開始擔心,隨著越來越多「山寨」企業湧入到其他消費電子領域,最終結果會不會出現跟「山寨手機」一樣的下場? 「山寨」從一個流行用語,到金融時報、華爾街日報都爭相報導的現象。為瞭解這個風潮,進而剖析能否顛覆產業秩序,本研究嘗試以社會資本的觀點分析中國山寨文化,並且藉由天宇朗通的個案分析,以企業社會資本的內部與外部等兩個構面為觀察重點,探討社會資本的重要性。研究發現,社會資本正是山寨企業轉型的關鍵。促進團隊和諧、贏得供應商、政府與社會的信任與合作等,成為企業運行的重要方式,社會資本構成企業的生產能力、獲利能力之源。而天宇朗通也就是藉由建構與累積其社會資本,從「山寨手機大王」成功轉型為中國大陸本土的品牌大廠。


山寨 社會資本 天宇朗通


Shanzhai refers to Chinese imitation and pirated brands and goods, particularly electronics. Literally "mountain village" or "mountain stronghold", the term refers to the mountain stockades of warlords or bandits, far away from official control. "Shanzhai" can also be stretched to refer to people who are lookalikes, low-quality or improved goods, as well as things done in parody. It became an accepted name for fake goods after "Shanzhai Cell Phones" produced by small individual workshops in southern China became popular in the mainland market since 2003. Besides Shanzhai electronic products, of which there are many, there are "Shanzhai movies", "Shanzhai stars" and even a "Shanzhai Spring Festival Gala", a copy of the 25-year-old traditional show presented by CCTV on Chinese Lunar New Year's eve. "Shanzhai" has become a culture of its own, symbolizing anything that imitates something famous. This research uses case study to understand the reason and the process of Shanzhai, and investigates the importance of social capital. In the analysis of case study this research finds that social capital will be the key to a transformation of Shanzhai enterprise. Social capital is derived from employees’ harmonious cooperation and business networks. Besides, Tianyu is transformed Shanzhai enterprise into well-known brand by building and accumulating her social capital.


Shanzhai Social capital Tianyu


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