  • 學位論文


A Study on the Reciprocal Altruistic Concern in the Legal System of Promoting Renewable Energy: Lessons from the EU, Germany and the UK

指導教授 : 范建得


能源及自然資源的有效利用是現代社會關注的議題,在低碳文化、永續發展理念的領航之下,世界各國對於改善能源供給結構及促進再生能源發展之立法政策,多有與時俱進之修正。其中,歐盟在因應氣候變遷問題、確保未來能源安全之法制改革方面,常居於創始性之地位,故歐盟法之發展趨勢及其所採取之具體措施,也成為再生能源法制研究之重要參考對象。 本文主軸將聚焦於討論歐盟再生能源法制體系及其法理基礎中涉及之互惠利他主義概念,並借鑒法學與其他學科之跨領域研究中有關互惠利他主義之理論,提出對再生能源法制之評析。觀察歐盟法所呈現之促進再生能源發展相關法規體系,以及以德、英為代表之會員國所創設之再生能源推廣機制,可以發現,再生能源法制之立法宗旨及其正當性基礎,除了眼下能源供給之穩定性外,皆奠基於為社群提升能源使用效率、達成永續發展之長期目標,而其立法手段亦具有類似利他行為之特徵,即透過建構互惠利他合作系統,增加社群之長遠利益。 回歸到再生能源法制的起源,包括全球暖化議題所催生之國際公約、減碳合作計畫,以及歐盟之共同能源政策,皆可發現其中展現互惠利他精神之處。此外,在法規評析之部分,因本文擬以論證再生能源法制與互惠利他主義之關聯性為出發點,故分別從整合利害關係人、加強資訊公開與交流之方向,歸納歐盟及德、英之相關法規,並試論其在促成互惠利他合作方面所能達成之效果。


Figuring out an effective way to use energy and natural resources is essential for the modern society to reach the distant ideal of sustainable development. When it comes to the transforming of the legal system regarding energy and natural resources law, the policy and legislation carried out by the European Union and some of its member states have set a model for energy structural transition and promoting the use of renewable energy. Through the observation on the global climate change issue and the current trend of energy transition, concepts of reciprocal altruism, which is originated from biological study of human behaviors and the natural selection code, show practical applications to today’s renewable energy policy and legislation. Therefore, this thesis suppose that the study of altruism concerning sociology and economics may both contribute perspectives to discuss the pros and cons of the above legal system. Briefly, the discussion will focus on two topics, including what kind of legal measures are undertaken to achieve the integration of all stakeholders of the renewable energy market, and the specific part of regulations that emphasizes the importance of information transparency. At last, the conclusion will try to provide a comparative analysis of the difference between these principles of EU energy law and Taiwanese energy law.


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