  • 學位論文


The Case Study of Fu-lin Tang in Hsinchu– Historical Investigation of Successive and Adoptive System in Vegetarian Hall of Hsien-tien Tao

指導教授 : 陳華 李玉珍


本論文研究主軸是對新竹市福林堂(參見圖一)的繼承制度的回顧及探討,並透過2004年福林堂發生的繼承糾紛,微觀福林堂的現況,回溯歷史的脈絡,尋找出繼承事件的歷史因素。研究發現福林堂本為台灣先天派萬全堂系北台的祖堂,經過李黃素蓮(參見圖四)將其改為專收未婚或守寡之婦人的修道處後,成為一個典型具有養老扶孤之齋堂。然而經過先天派領導人黃玉階(參見圖二、圖三)及黃監(參見圖八)的努力下,雖使先天派在日治時期高度發展,然隨著兩位領導人另建齋堂棲身,此時的福林堂祖堂地位逐漸消失。失去地位的福林堂幸得黃玉階的徒弟曾目(參見圖六),於戰後鬮資重建,於經濟上得以自給自足;曾目以振興先天派為己任,與各堂口協定每年黃監誕辰紀念日,以凝聚先天派的向心力。然因大環境的改變,在政治因素及經濟因素下逐漸空門化。 本文則是在探討在空門化過程中,對福林堂繼承制度影響多寡。在研究過程中,福林堂戰前為典型的先天派齋堂,其傳承不管依照信徒總會或信徒大會,真正的傳承乃由前任堂主/住持的遺言。雖然福林堂是屬先天派的齋堂,根據先天派習慣為茹素不婚,因此堂主未有子嗣來繼嗣,多以親戚、師徒、或收養來傳承。然戰後福林堂在曾目領導下,加入中佛會。致使福林堂同修可以接觸到佛教,加上福林堂齋堂本身的制度形成階級衝突,被管理階層在經濟及教義上,在佛教尋得發展,致使福林堂形成同堂兩廳的現象,並進行信徒及經濟的爭奪戰。其角力的方法則是「寺廟會議」的運用。藉由屢次的更改組織章程,達到真正掌權的目的。 本文研究的結果,有下列幾項: 一、 在整理福林堂的歷史脈絡中,發現台灣特有的佛教發展特性之一。如福林堂早期為家庭式佛堂,而後於咸豐年間更為先天派齋堂,光緒年間成專收不婚寡婦的修道處。經過時代的變遷及大環境的改變下,逐漸空門化,成為典型的佛教。 二、 福林堂具有專收不婚姑娘及寡婦的齋堂特質,因此早期的經濟有安單金、及祭祖緣金等特質。又在經濟自給自足的原則下,在不同階段的福林堂會有需要勞力的手工業,因此齋堂住眾的出身會決定其勞役地位,而形成階級對立。 三、 因為先天派為茹素不婚的齋教,故以擬家庭化制度解決其繼嗣問題,由養女傳承祭祀財產和堂主地位。然在大環境的改變下,佛教大叢林的觀念引入,子孫廟的特性逐漸被否定的轉變下,此為福林堂在空門化過程中,堂風及制度需面臨的問題。 四、 福林堂在執事糾紛中,居中協調的新竹市佛教會是很重要的關鍵。新竹佛教會因理事長個人理念態度不同,影響福林堂人事佈局。 因此本論文最大的貢獻在於提供一個具體的寺廟繼承糾紛,認識寺廟的繼承非單僅於執事糾葛,當中有深遠的歷史因素,及傳統舊習。


The main goal of this thesis is to discuss the historical development of one of Taiwan’s most renowned vegetarian halls (chai-t’ang 齋堂), the Fu-lin T’ang 福林堂 (Hall of the Blessed Grove), which is located in the city of Hsin-chu 新竹. My research centers on the following two problems: 1) The system of succession (chi-ch’eng chih-tu 繼承制度) among the Hall’s leadership; 2) The Hall’s gradual transformation into a Buddhist sacred site (k’ung-men hua 空門化) during the postwar era. The first part of the thesis describes the history of the Fu-lin T’ang. This sacred site was founded during the eighteenth century, and its original purpose was to serve as a shrine used by Hsin-chu’s Li 李 family for the performance of vegetarian and Buddhist rites. During the first decades of the nineteenth century, the Hall gradually came under control of a vegetarian sect known as the Way of the Former Heaven (Hsien-t’ien Tao 先天道). By the end of that century, most of the vegetarians living at this sacred site were women who had joined the Way of the Former Heaven in order to devote their lives to religious self-cultivation, especially widows and young women who had chosen not to marry. The Fu-lin T’ang thrived during the early stages of Japanese rule over Taiwan, in large part due the efforts of Way of Former Heaven leaders like Huang Yu-chieh 黃玉階 and Huang Chien 黃監, only to suffer a decline in status during the waning years of the colonial era. Under the leadership of Huang Yu-chieh’s disciple Tseng Mu 曾目, the Hall’s fortunes took a turn for the better in the beginning of the postwar era. However, the increasing influence of Buddhism in Taiwan combined with a schism among the Hall’s members eventually led to a bitter succession struggle that came to a head in 2004, and which coincided with the Hall’s transformation into a largely Buddhist sacred site. Subsequent chapters of the thesis focus on different aspects of the Fu-lin T’ang’s historical development. For example, I have been able to collect a great deal of data about the Hall’s economic life, which shows that its income derived largely from donations made by people who chose the reside there, payments for ritual services by members of the local community, and money earned by Hall members who worked making handicrafts. There is also a discussion of succession patterns and their links to adoption practices among the Hall’s members, most of whom had practiced celibacy and had no children of their own. Finally, I consider how Buddhist organizations and the state influenced the Hall’s succession struggles and transformation into a Buddhist sacred site during the postwar era, particularly the roles of the Buddhist Association of the Republic of China (BAROC; Chung-hua min-kuo Fo-chiao hui 中華民國佛教會) and the Hsin-chu Buddhist Association (Hsin-chu Fo-chiao hui 新竹佛教會). The main contribution of this thesis has been to provide a detailed case study of a leading Taiwanese vegetarian hall, with the data collected shedding new light on the social, economic, and religious lives of the men and women who resided in these sacred sites.


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