  • 學位論文


Causative and Inchoative Alternation in Taiwanese Southern Min: In Comparison with Mandarin and English

指導教授 : 連金發


摘要 本研究旨在探討閩南語動詞的使動與起動交替現象及其與句法格式之間的互動狀況,並且與漢語跟英語動詞裡的現象做比較。漢語跟英語動詞的使動與起動交替現象歷年來已有許多廣泛並且深入的討論與研究,但閩南語到目前並沒有特別提出探討,或許是因為一般認為跟漢語有相同的語言表現,但其實不然。在接下來的內容,我將會藉用前人在漢語跟英語的研究成果與方法比較來分析閩南語的相關現象,並提出獨立的看法。 會發生使動與起動交替現象的動詞稱為「作格動詞」。舉例來說,中文(漢語)的「打開」、閩南語的「拍開」跟英文的open都同時有『致使某東西打開』以及『某東西成為打開的狀態』兩種語意。因此這類的作格動詞就有如下的交替句型:使動句型『我打開門』(漢語)、『我拍開門』(閩南語)、I opened the door(英語)以及相對應的起動句型『門開了』、『門開矣』、the door opened。可見作格動詞的特色即是:使動句的賓語可作為起動句的主語。而在這三種語言裡面,針對允許使動與起動交替的動詞,它們有著完全相同的詞彙概念結構;但有趣的是,當它們各自的作格動詞映射在句法、音韻或語意介面上時,卻有著非常不同的體現結果。 本論文在第一章作概括的介紹。第二章提到一些分析時會用到的概念。第三章作相關的文獻回顧。第四及第五章進行語料的分析與討論:第四章將探討閩南語的動詞使動與起動交替,而第五章則是以詞彙語意學以及語言類型的角度比較閩南語、漢語以及英語動詞在使動起動交替表現上的異同。第六章為總結。


Abstract This paper explores alternations of a range of one-place and two-place predicates in terms of their interaction with types of grammatical constructions and verbal meanings in Taiwanese Southern Min (henceforth TSM), Mandarin Chinese and English. Causative and inchoative alternation of verbs in Mandarin and English has been well studied for decades, but not for TSM. Therefore, contributions of previous studies on Mandarin and English will be noted and compared for the help of TSM study in this paper. Ergative verbs involve causative and inchoative alternations. For example, ‘open’, ‘打開’ ta3 khai1(Mandarin), and‘拍開’ pha3 khui1(TSM) are the verbs meaning “CAUSE something to open” and “something BECOME open”. They have alternative sentences as “I opened the door”, “我打開門” wo3 ta3 khai1 men2(Mandarin), “我拍開門”gua2 pha3 khui1 mng5(TSM), versus “The door opened”, “門開了”men2 khai1 le(Mandarin), “門開矣”mng5 khui1 a(TSM). Although the three languages share the same conceptual structures for causative and inchoative alternation, their ergative verbs show different correspondences to morpho-syntactic, phonemic, and semantic interfaces. In this thesis, a general introduction is given in chapter one. Some theoretic notions are provided in chapter two. Previous studies are reviewed in chapter three. Chapter four and five comprise the data analysis; I specify the phenomena of causative and inchoative alternation in TSM in chapter four, and then compare them with those of Mandarin and English by means of lexical semantics and language typology. Conclusion is given in the final chapter.


