  • 學位論文


Structure and Composition Analysis of LMBE Grown SrRuO3 thin film on SrTiO3

指導教授 : 洪銘輝 黃倉秀


經由雷射分子束磊晶技術,成長高品質奈米尺寸單晶釕酸鍶薄膜在(001)晶面的鈦酸鍶基材上。高能量雷射打在靶材上所形成的離子團是決定成長品質的關鍵,靶材及基板的距離更是要視離子團的形狀大小來做仔細的調整,些微的差距對於成長的薄膜都會有一定程度的影響;同時成長溫度亦是薄膜品質重要的因素之ㄧ。因此,調變靶材及基板的距離及成長的溫度並進一步詳細分析是很必要的。 利用X光繞射技術(X-ray diffraction),可以有效地研究磊晶薄膜的結構特性。X光反射率(X-ray reflectivity)的量測可得到各層的厚度以及介面的表面粗糙度。原子力探針顯微鏡(AFM)可了解薄膜成長後表面的粗糙度,而臨場反射式高能電子繞射的圖形亦幫助我們了解磊晶成長時薄膜之結構型態,經由這些分析得知高品質的單晶釕酸鍶成功成長在鈦酸鍶基材上,其薄膜趨近於立方體結構。




High quality single crystalline SrRuO3 thin films have been grown epitaxially on SrTiO3 (001) by LMBE system and the growth was in-situ monitored by reflection high energy electron diffraction. The plume was formed by high energy laser ablation on target is the crucial for high quality growth. The distance between target and substrate has to be adjusted carefully which is depending on plume’s size and shape. Thin films will have big effect for any small disparity. Furthermore, growing temperature is one of the important factors for thin films growth. Therefore, the distances between target and substrate and the growth temperatures have to be studied carefully. Structural studies were carried out by X-ray diffraction. The results of X-ray reflectivity measurement have shown the thickness of each layers and the roughness at their interfaces. Atomic force microscopy was utilized to thin films surface roughness. Structural and morphological studies were carried out by these analyses. The structure of the SrRuO3 films approached cubic phase.




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