  • 學位論文


Synthesis of Sn/C Composite for Lithium-ion Batteries Anode

指導教授 : 李紫原


本研究中利用葡萄糖溶液經由水熱法合成次微米碳球,並且藉由酒精加入溶液中可以進一步縮小碳球直徑至 100 nm,此碳球經過進一步熱處理碳化後可以做為鋰離子電池電極,利用此碳球做成的電極進行 1C 充放電經過 100 次後仍有 308 mA h g-1 的電容量。 此外,利用碳球做為模板可以製備碳錫複合材料,將二氯化錫藉由水熱反應可以在碳球上成長二氧化錫,並且利用碳熱還原反應將二氧化錫還原成金屬錫,利用這方法可以在同一步驟中結合碳球的碳化反應以及氧化錫的還原反應,複合金屬錫後的碳球可以進一步提升電容量,並且碳材也可以做為緩衝層保護錫在鋰離子嵌入時造成的巨大體積變化。改善過後的材料在經過100次的 1C 電流充放電後,可以將電容量提升到 375 mA h g-1,所以利用此碳錫複合材料可以進一步應用於大電流充放電的鋰離子電池陽極上。


In this study, submicron carbon sphere was synthesized by hydrothermal reaction in glucose aqueous solution. The diameter of carbon sphere would reduce to 100 nm as a little amount of ethanol in solution. Carbon sphere would be further carbonized by heat treatment. After the heat treatment, the carbon sphere can be applied to being anode of lithium-ion batteries. It has capacity of 308 mA h g-1 even after 100 charge/discharge cycles at 1 C. In addition, C/Sn composite could be obtained using carbon sphere as a template. SnO2 would growth on the template by hydrothermal reaction of tin dichloride. Subsequently, SnO2 would be reduced to metallic tin by carbothermal reduction. Consequently, we can combine the carbonized of carbon sphere and reduction of SnO2 in one step. Metallic tin would enhance the capacity of carbon sphere, and carbon could be the buffer layer for the large volume change during lithium-ion insertion into metallic tin. This C/Sn composite will further be applied to the anode of high rate lithium-ion batteries.




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