  • 學位論文


Investigation of Novel Additive on Solid Electrolyte Interface and the Formation Mechanisms for Lithium Ion Batteries

指導教授 : 萬其超 王復民


近年來由於鋰離子電池的高能量密度、高功率密度、長時間使用壽命等優勢,使其在目前的3C及電動車市場中,已成為不可或缺的重要替代能源,而鋰離子電池如何在這些應用產品上有更突破性的提高性能,成為一項熱門的話題。由過去的文獻中,均提到在充放電過程中,經由電化學反應,在負極材料上所形成之鈍化層是影響電池性能的重要因子,包含其厚度、組成成分及高溫穩定性都是重要的議題。此外,鋰電池內部含水量的多寡,更是製程中需嚴格管控的重要因素。因此其組裝過程需在相對濕度<5%之乾燥室或手套箱中進行,大幅提高鋰電池的製造成本。 本論文主要針對此關鍵性的因素,開發出一種新型雙重添加劑,使其能在電解液中含有微量水時,仍能改善鋰電池的電池性能,包含充放電過程中不可逆比例的減少、室溫及高溫循環壽命的改善及高功率密度效率提高等優勢。除此之外,針對此種特殊條件下在不同官能基含量之負極材料所構成之固液界面的成分、厚度及形成機制,更是本篇論文的研究重點。因此,鋰離子電池在日後製造過程中,經由加入此種添加劑,將可降低乾燥室所需的相對溼度,節省較多之電費使用及減少老化所損耗的貯存成本,使其能真正達到節能目標。


It is important to have high-performance SEI on anode surface by electrochemical reactions in applications of lithium ion batteries. Characteristics such as thickness, composition and stability at high temperature all affect battery performance. Furthermore, the moisture inside the batteries is also highly influential on cycle-ability, which results in manufacturing processes requiring dry room or glove box (relative humidity < 5%). Therefore, we always need additional cost to control the moisture. This research aims to find out how to improve discharge capacity, irreversibility, c-rate test and cycle life at room and high temperature regarding water uptake in lithium ion batteries by choosing a new additive in electrolyte. In addition, the relation between compositions, thickness variations and formation mechanism of SEI film and different functional groups of anode materials in different solvents are also studied. By using this binary additive (MI/H2O), lithium ion batteries could achieve not only a higher energy density, but the attendant manufacturing costs in terms of power consumption of dry room and the storage costs associated with lost-aging are significantly reduced.


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