  • 學位論文


A New Perspective on Taiwanese Female Fiction: Case Studies on Huang Lichyun, Chou Tanying, Hung Tzuying and Lu Huihsin

指導教授 : 李癸雲


新世紀小說研究當中,相較以新鄉土脈絡佔據位置的男性作家研究,對女性作家的書寫探討仍力有未逮,亟需研究者對六年級世代女性小說研究投以關注。本論文擬以黃麗群、周丹穎、洪茲盈及盧慧心四位在1970年代末期出生的作家為例子,觀察女性小說在新世紀的發展。 在四位作家的書寫當中,以身體和婚姻兩大主題進行文本分析,她們承襲過往女性書寫對身體及婚姻議題的關注,並因應時代變化,發展出與前輩作家截然不同的書寫角度。她們藉由書寫女性在社會中承受的污名,深化各個層面的議題並思考女性處境。在身體的議題當中,她們書寫肥胖、整形的身體,以女性凝視觀看男性身驅,經由對身體價值觀的思索及辯證,彰顯女性作家對身體書寫的特殊之處。同時,她們對婚姻進行觀察和描繪,包括大齡單身、家庭主婦和外遇第三者等議題,對當代婚姻有細緻的社會觀察。本文透過研究黃麗群、周丹穎、洪茲盈及盧慧心的小說,呈現出21世紀小說不同的切面,期許能因此拓寬台灣文學在新世紀的研究版圖。


The study of Taiwanese New Century Fiction has focused on male fiction which occupied the “post-regional” position. However, it is proved that Taiwanese female fiction is ignored obviously in the previous study. This research investigated the texts of four female authors born in 1979, Huang Lichyun, Chou Tanying, Hung Tzuying and Lu Huihsin, exploring the new writing direction of 21st century female fiction. With textual analysis of the novels of Huang Lichyun, Chou Tanying, Hung Tzuying and Lu Huihsin, the research examined the connotation of female writing, particularly in the issues of body and marriage. The authors followed the tradition of female writing while practicing different writing strategies to cope with the situation. By presenting stigmatized females in their work, the authors not only evaluated the criticism of body and marriage but reflected the social conditions of women in contemporary society. In their works, the novelists addressed obesity, plastic surgery, and female gaze of male body. The research would clarify the particular part of 21st century female fiction with the debates and confirmation of body values. In addition, the marriage issues of 21st century including senior single, housewife and extramarital affair were also discussed. Through the research of the fiction of these four female writers, this paper would provide critical perspective on New Century Fiction and develop a further understanding and intellectual conversation of female fiction in Taiwanese literature.


