  • 學位論文


World of the Siraya People in the Seventeenth Century: Wang Jia-siang’s Historical Novel Daofeng Neihai

指導教授 : 劉柳書琴


本研究以認識自身所處這片土地的歷史文化為出發,擬從王家祥長篇同名歷史小說《倒風內海》,探討實存但現在已歷經不少時空變化的倒風內海。小說以荷蘭時期作背景,當台灣在17世紀躍上國際舞台後,台南西南沿海一帶西拉雅族人的生活樣貌,以及當地空間變化、生活變化為書寫重點。 筆者主要採取文本分析方式。全文除第一章緒論、第五章結論之外,分為第二章「《倒風內海》的空間書寫」、第三章「《倒風內海》歷史事件的再現」、第四章「《倒風內海》相關文學資源」共三個章節,從空間、歷史、族群、西拉雅族文學歷程上的更迭進行討論。藉由文本分析進一步觀看作者地景建構、生態書寫、豐富的歷史想像等特色。並且釐清王家祥寫作的動機,在撰寫這部小說時作者曾經受到哪些影響,以及作者有沒有企圖影響什麼、改變什麼。同時探討作者的心理和經歷在作品中留下哪些烙印,作者在作品中如何表達了他的思想。作品產生的時間和它的時代有什麼關係,作者又如何在作品之中體現當時的社會制度、風俗人情等等外部因素。 王家祥《倒風內海》的出現,其作品在故事情節、人物、生態描繪等方面,都有許多精采、特殊之處。王家祥將許多生動的情節,鎔鑄成為精采的文學語言,撰寫出讓讀者身歷其境的細膩深入的文本,替1990年代的台南西拉雅族麻豆社帶來地方人文與生態環境的全新視野,對這片土地的凝望,也進入了一個新的領域。透過一連串的分析,王家祥的歷史小說不只是歷史小說,其作品有更為複雜、豐富、多角度的內涵,進而勾勒出西拉雅族群文化的一個變遷。


The research is started from realizing the historical culture of the homeland by Daofeng Neihai, the historical novel of the same name of the author WANG, JIA-SIANG, to discuss the changes of Daofeng Neihai, which has been existing for a long time. The background of the novel is set at Dutch Formosa Period. It focuses on describing things that happened in the coastal areas of Southwestern Tainan in the 17th century as Taiwan was under the sight of the international world. It includes the lifestyle of Siraya Tribe, the space variations, and the life changes caused by the variations at that time. The author uses the way of textual analysis. Besides the first chapter of the introduction and Chapter 5 for the conclusion, there are 3 chapters between them: Chapter 2, Spatial Writing of Daofeng Neihai; Chapter 3, Daofeng Neihai Historical Event Represent; Chapter 4, Daofeng Neihai Related Literary Resources. In these 3 chapters, it discusses the aspects of spaces, history, ethnicity, and Siraya literature transforming process.By textual analysis, it brings readers through the author’s imaginations of landscape, nature, rich cultural history, and also other features. In addition, it helps to clarify the writing motivation of the author. It shows what impacts he had met while composing the book, and if he tried to make some effects and changes. At the same time, to trace what the author had left in the book related to his personal psychology and experiences, and how he revealed his thought. This research also explores the relevance between the established time and generation. To see how the author embodied the social system, customs, and other external factors in his works. In Daofeng Neihai, it describes the storyline, characters, ecology in a unique and spellbinding way. The author WANG, JIA-SIANG, transforms the vivid plot to the impressive literature. He composes the text with exquisite depictions that as real as if readers were right in the scene. The writing has broadened the humanities and ecological environment horizon of the 1990s Siraya Madou Tribe in Tainan and helped to see our land from a whole new aspect. With a series of analyses, this historical novel of WANG, JIA-SIANG is more than a novel. Instead, it contains a multi-angle intention which is more plentiful and complicated. It in turn sketches the contours of Siraya Ethnic culture transition.


