  • 學位論文

半導體中古製程設備公司之競爭優勢與策略研究- 以OEM GROUP INC.公司為例

A Competitive Advantages and Strategic Study of Second-Hand Semiconductor Process Equipment Companies -- A case study of OEM Group Inc. Company

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


全球半導體產業發展至今,製程設備的投資金額隨著半導體業者持續擴廠與製程技術不斷精進,逐年快速增長,也因為半導體製程的日新月異,部分機台快速汰舊換新,讓中古設備不愁供給。在全球經濟情勢不佳與消費市場轉變導致終端需求不振影響下,挾帶著價格優勢與客戶應用差異的半導體中古設備市場逐漸浮上檯面。 半導體中古設備市場交易的規模,從以往單機買賣到現在常見的整廠設備輸出交易。買方的需求也從過去單純中古設備的買賣,延伸到購買設備後所需的裝機、改造、移機、及後續維修技術、零件提供等衍生的各項商機。技術的需求更從過去的4~6吋晶圓設備,逐漸的轉移成以8吋設備為主,甚至12吋設備需求近年也快速增加。 在市場需求的變化下,除了不斷有因應中古市場需求增加的新加入者外,現有半導體中古設備商更紛紛合縱聯盟,努力加強自己在市場的核心競爭力,以面對競爭者的威脅與消費者的議價壓力。 為了維持獲利及產業競爭性,個案公司需竭盡所能地持續降低成本,但技術水平和製程規格不斷向上提升與要求的同時,要兼顧成本效益與先進製程設備採購大量資本支出,如何讓客戶取得具有一定製程能力服務與合理價格之先進設備,變成個案公司最主要的挑戰。 本研究應用Michael Porter五力分析、SWOT分析與白地策略,並輔以訪談,針對個案公司進行研究,探討在面對眾多不同規模與不同商業模式的競爭對手時,半導體中古設備商該如何思考自身的銷售策略,在強敵環伺下如何運用先進設備銷售與服務優勢,尋找產品的市場價值,提升自己的產品競爭力。提供企業在訂定競爭策略與如何提高市場占有率、獲利率目標時的研究參考。


In global semiconductor industry, the amount of investments in semiconductor manufacturing equipment is consequently growing with the rapid advances in both the capacity expansion and technology migration. In addition, because of rapid technology node migration, the used equipment market is well refilled due to lots of process equipment out of date quickly. Due to global economic recession and descent of consumer market, the used equipment market is gradually focused with the price advantage as well as the differentiation of application. In the recent years, the market demand and sales amount of the used equipment ascend along with the vigorous development in semiconductor industry. Business model involved from single tool transaction to package deal of whole plant export deal. Besides, the buyer's needs was crossing over simple used equipment trade and extending to the purchase of service bundles including installation, modification, relocation, maintenance and parts. Market mainstream in used equipment transferred from the past 4~6-inch into 8-inch, and gradually move to the 12-inch market due to increasing demand in recent years rapidly. Regard to the market demand change, there are new players enter the market. The existing used equipment suppliers have combined vertical alliances to strengthen their core competitiveness in the market, in order to face the threat of competitors and consumers bargaining pressures. In order to remain profitable and competitiveness in the industry, the case company must do everything to continue to reduce costs. According to the technology node and process specifications to continually upgrade, how to support customers process capability with a custom-made service and reasonable equipment cost, will be the main challenge for the case company. In this study, we focused on applying three analysis models - Michael Porter's five forces analysis, SWOT analysis and White space strategy. In addition, we combined interviews of case company and study the used equipment companies how to consider the sales strategy in order to react the different kind of competitors. It will be important to set up the value proposition and enhance the competitiveness with advance equipment sale as well as service strength, when you face larger rivals in the market. This study is expected as a reference to provide the enterprise in formulating competitive strategy and how to increase market share as well as profitability targets.


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