  • 學位論文


Ten Thousands of People Respond but Here Comes Only One: Understanding the Gap between Online and Offline Participation for Event Invitations

指導教授 : 王浩全


現今越來越多的活動利用社群網站(social network sites)來進行宣傳、召集參加者、管理等等。然而,針對某些需要現場出席,但是經由網路號召的活動,它們實際參與人數,與網路上表明參與的人數有落差的事時有所聞。由此可見,網路世界中的參與並不一定能帶入現實世界中。本論文正是要探討這個現象,究竟線上與線下參與行為是否真的存在差距?如果存在,其成因為何?研究分成兩個階段,首先是利用訪談了解人們如何回應網路的活動邀請,並挖掘出影響他們線上與線下參與行為的因素。接著針對訪談結果的幾項因素,社會連結(social tie)以及回覆介面設計,透過經驗抽驗法(experience sampling method)與實驗法進行檢證。研究發現線上與線下活動參與的一致性,與社會網路結構、媒體特性、活動性質三個構面相關。而使用者線上的回應,隨著邀請人、以及其他受邀人的社會連結的不同而改變。同時結果也顯示出,透過改善活動邀請回覆的介面,能夠使人們更明確地表達自己的參與意願,進而可能減少線上與線下落差。


One growing use of computer-based communication media is for gathering people to initiate or sustain social events, but online participation in an event does not always translate to offline attendance. This thesis investigates whether and how the gap exists between online and offline forms of participation. The thesis consists of two studies: We first look at how people handle online event invitations and what influences their online and offline participation by interview. Then we conduct an experiment to further examine the role of a few crucial factors found in interviews, including social tie strength and interface factors. The results illuminate the sophisticated nature of the mechanisms that affect participation and provide new understanding on the effects SNS features have on people’s online responses and offline attendance. Furthermore, this thesis demonstrates that improving interface design has the potential to bridge virtual and real attendance.


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