  • 學位論文


A Study on the Regulations of Standard Contracts on Travel Contracts

指導教授 : 姚志明


當全球各國將「觀光事業」做為賺取外匯以及吸引外國觀光客到訪的重要財源時,譽為無煙囪工業:觀光,在台灣也已經成為全國不論中央或地方各級政府與民間旅遊產業轉型的參考和出路,伴隨著旅遊產業發展,乃至於旅遊糾紛亦隨之增長,旅遊風險與賠償責任產生政府主管機關觀光局、旅行業者及旅客三者之間的困擾。本文意旨即係立基於旅遊消費者的立場,討論我國旅遊相關規範中,消費者旅客與旅行業者間的權利義務關係。我國近年來接續修正通過相關旅行業管理規則、旅遊契約的定型化契約條文規制、契約訂約雙方契約義務、與履約風險管控之相關法令;尤其是民法旅遊專節之實施,除了明文定義旅遊契約,對旅遊消費者更多了一層保障且更週全之外,也讓旅行業責任險內容亦可更趨完備。 本文將論述視角著重在政府政策、立法法規與司法實務三者運作上,探討如何能同時兼顧我國觀光旅遊業發展,與消費者締約資訊流通兩難考量,一方面使旅遊業交易秩序建全、暨觀光服務業永續經營,減低操作成本風險;另一方面又能在雙方資訊透明、締約與履約責任合法明確、促進多元型態契約均能流通順暢前題下,也可強化消費者權益的保障、與契約選擇自由發展空間 。 故而本文除了主要探討旅遊定型化契約雙方之締約與履約風險,其間之規範體制、案件審理、與相關之學說進行檢討分析外,並引入外國重要旅遊契約之相關法規,包括歐盟經濟共同體旅遊指令、布魯塞爾旅遊契約國際公約等各國比較法,一併詳細分析作比較,進行比較法觀點之考察。


Sightseeing has become the primary source of earning foreign exchange for many countries in these recent decades. While the chimneyless industry -Sightseeing seems to be the way out for industrial transformation across Taiwan. However, with the thriving development of the tourism industry, the disputes in between tourists and tourism agencies are also increased, and brings the management issues among government authorities, travel agencies and tourists. This article is meant to discuss the relationship of rights and obligations in related legal regulations between travel agencies and tourists. In recent years, our country has revised and legislated plenty of important legal regulations and executive orders related to the management rules of travel industry. contract The regulation of traveling contract formalization, demonstrates clearly the contractual obligations of both parties, and the risks of management and control. In addition to provide more protection for travel consumers, it also makes the liability and insurance content of travel industry becoming more complete. This article will focus on how to consider the dilemma of vigorous development of traveling industry and balancing the protection of consumers. Therefore, this article mainly discusses the formalization of contracting and operating risks in the travel journeys of both parties. Plus, this article also introduces some relevant laws and regulations from foreign legal systems. Including the EU Tourism Policy, Brussels International Convention on Tourism Contracts, and other comparative laws of various countries, such as the German Tourism Contract Law and the Chinese Tourism Contract Regulations. This article would have a detailed analysis and comparison to examine the viewpoints of comparative laws.


3.王千維、吳瑾瑜、姜世明、徐婉寧、許政賢、楊淑文、陳洸岳、中田裕康、李玉璽、Stephan Lorenz、王怡蘋、林易典、Rolf Knieper、詹森林,民事法與消費者保護(政治大學法學院民法中心),元照出版社,2011年5月。

