  • 學位論文

主管領導風格和員工人格特質與工作態度 之關聯性研究

A Study on Correlation Between the Supervisor Leadership Styles and the Employee Personality Characteristics and Work Attitude

指導教授 : 陳瑾儀


人才對企業組織的競爭力影響甚鉅。因此,如何領導人才並使他們樂在工作一直是每個企業與主管都必須關心的課題。近年來各企業紛紛思考如何整合組織內部成員的力量,改採團隊工作的方式來促進組織內部人員彼此間的良好溝通與互動,以創造卓越的績效和貢獻。影響團隊中員工工作態度和績效表現的因素可以從領導者與員工二個不同層面進行探討。因此本研究以領導者之領導風格、員工人格特質及員工工作態度為變項,探討主管的領導風格型態與員工工作態度間的相關程度,主管的領導風格型態與員工人格特質之間的相關性及員工工作績效關聯性程度。本研究以問卷調查的方式以目前在職的上班族為樣本進行問卷填答與蒐集資料。 本研究結果顯示,組織中領導者的領導風格、員工工作態度兩者間的交互影響確實會影響員工的工作滿意度。研究發現,主管的體恤程度越高,對員工的工作滿意度及整體工作態度呈現正向且顯著的影響。主管的體制程度越高對員工工作績效的影響並不顯著;而不同的員工人格特質對於主管領導格風格與員工工作績效的交互作用中則只有外向性及內控人格特質的員工有顯著的正向影響。


The talents impact the competitive advantages of business organization immensely. Hence, how to lead the talents and make them enjoy their work have long been the primary concerns of every business and supervisor. In recent years, more and more corporations are contemplating on how to integrate the efforts of the members within the organization to enhance the better communication and interactions by introducing teamwork model to create outstanding performance and contributions. Factors influencing the work attitude and performance of the employee working on team can be best explored by dealing with two different dimensions – the leaders and the employees. Hence, this study applied the leadership style of the leaders, the personality characteristics and work attitude of the employees as research variables, tried to explore the correlation between the supervisor leadership styles and the employee work attitudes, and also the correlation between the supervisor leadership types and the employee personality characteristics. this study administered a questionnaire survey targeting to the currently active employees as sample for collecting data. The results demonstrated that the interactions between the leadership styles of the organization leaders and the employee work attitude substantially influence the employee work satisfaction. The study found that a higher consideration of the supervisor was reflected with positive and apparent influence in both the employee work satisfaction and the overall work attitude. In contrast a stronger focus on authority compliance by the supervisor was not the case in terms of influence to the employee work performance; further, in terms of the interactions between the employee personality characteristics and the supervisor leadership style as well as the employee work performance, the positive and apparent influence to the employees were reflected only in the employees with extraversion and introversion dimensions.


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