  • 學位論文

MCAD與ECAD在電子產品 之空間設計的整合與應用

Integrating Electrical and Mechanical Design and Process Planning

指導教授 : 鍾文仁


因應現今3C產業及經濟的快速發展,必須縮短產品的設計週期,對於許多企業而言,電子機械設計是產品設計中重要的一環,若想改善產品設計的速度,必須將電子與機械設計進行整合,現今的機械電腦輔助設計MCAD(Mechanic Computer-Aided Design)與電子電腦輔助設計ECAD(Electronic Computer-Aided Design)已有可交換的資訊傳遞格式IDF(Intermediate Data Format),該格式能描述電路板外型、電子零件資料、PCB設計資訊等圖形資料及設計資訊,因為有了傳遞的格式,MCAD產生IDF的速度相對的重要,所以電路板上限高空間的產生,決定了整體的效率。 本研究以IDF3.0的版本與電腦輔助設計軟體Pro/ENGINEER為架構進行二次開發,透過簡單的使用者介面,利用參數與關係式連結,再配合使用者定義特徵(User-Defined Feature, UDF)建立空間資訊,將此空間資訊以實體、草繪輪廓等特徵呈現,利於使用者設計限高空間並取代傳統設計的方法,這些動作輔助使用者在設計電路板時,能有效簡化建模繁瑣、不直覺及重複性操作等問題,在設計流程中,能加速設計時程與減少設計錯誤的發生率。透過本研究所開發的功能,能夠節省73.1%以上之設計時間,達到縮短整體開發時間的目的,來提升產品的開發效率。


Since the rapid development of 3C industry and economy, the product design cycle must be short as possible. For many companies, electronic and mechanical design is very important. The integration of electronic and mechanical design will improve the speed of product design. Mechanic Computer-Aided Design (MCAD) and Electronic Computer-Aided Design (ECAD) have exchangeable information transfer format, which is Intermediate Data format (IDF). This format can describe the appearance of circuit-board, parts data, PCB design information and other graphic information. Because the format can be transferred, the speed of producing the IDF is relative important. Therefore, the generation of the maximum high space on PCB determines the overall efficiency. In this study, using IDF 3.0 and Pro / ENGINEER as secondary development tools, there is a simple user interface to connect the parameters and relations and cooperate with User-Defined Feature (UDF), so that the space information can be established. The space information will display by different features like solid and sketch outline, which will help users design maximum high space replacing the traditional method. These can assist users effectively simplify the process and reduce the redundant actions, so the design process will be faster and decrease the errors. Through this study, the design time can save more than 73.1% to improve product development efficiency.


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