  • 學位論文

認知性晤談對於證人指認之影響: 事件相關腦電位研究

The Effect of Cognitive Interview on Eyewitness Identification: An ERP Study

指導教授 : 鄭谷苑


本研究主要目的為討論認知性晤談(cognitive interview, CI)在證人證詞與證人指認的影響,以結構式晤談(structure interview, SI)做為控制組,並討論修正後的認知性晤談(modified cognitive interview, MCI)除了在證詞質和量上不遜於認知性晤談外,是否因為沒有語言遮蔽效果(verbal overshadowing effect, VOE)而在指認正確率上,更優於認知性晤談。此外,本研究以行為研究與ERPs實驗,選擇P300及FN400兩個腦波成份做為分析,試圖為證人指認建立良好的生理指標。受試者為三十名大學生,分別探討證人證詞的品質、證人指認之正確率及腦波的結果,刺激材料為五分鐘左右的無暴力犯罪影片,受試者在影片結束後隨機分成三組,分別為結構式晤談、認知性晤談與修正後認知性晤談,接著被要求在四張照片中指認出影片中的犯人。結果發現,認知性晤談在證詞的質與量上皆顯著優於結構式晤談,在訊息量上,修正後認知性晤談僅略低於結構式晤談,確實不失為一個良好的偵查工具;三種不同的晤談方法在指認正確率上並無顯著差異存在,但以趨勢上而言,認知性晤談因為語言遮蔽效果的產生,而使得指認正確率低於另外兩種晤談方式,而修正後的認知性晤談在正確率上雖低於結構式晤談,但高於認知性晤談;P300的分析上有顯著且一致的發現,P300的確可以正確區分出嫌犯與陪襯者,是為良好的生理指標;另外,在FN400對於嫌犯與陪襯者的反應無顯著的差異存在。最後也針對可能的限制和未來的研究方向加以討論。


In present study we investigated the effect of cognitive interview (CI) on eyewitness testimony and identification. Structure interview (SI) was used as a control condition. If identification accuracy in modified cognitive interview (MCI) did not reduce by verbal overshadowing effect (VOE), MCI may have higher accuracy than CI. We examined the P300 and FN400 difference on suspect and filler conditions, to establish a reliable physiological indicator. Subjects were tested in two sessions. Upon arrival at the first session subjects individually viewed 5 minutes non-violent crime video. The second session subjects were random assigned to one of three interview conditions. Subjects were then asked to identify the culprit in crime and the ERPs data were recorded. Results revealed that MCI was more effective than SI and more identification accuracy than CI in general. P300 can correctly distinguish from target stimulus/suspect and non-target stimulus/filler. However, FN400 cannot differentiate from these two kinds of stimulus. Both of P300 and FN400 did not influence by interview types. Limitations of this study and future research directions are discussed.


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