  • 學位論文


Development of an Intelligent Automatic Ball Picking Machine Based on Deep Learning

指導教授 : 陳冠宇




This article studies the design and implementation of the Raspberry Pi as the driving body and the computer as the computing body based on deep learning. It integrates neural network, machine vision, network transmission, and vehicle body movement technology to develop a smart ball that can automatically find the ball car. This smart ball picker is different from the self-propelled cars that have only incorporated lenses in the past. It is based on the addition of two technologies of network transmission and deep learning. Compressed and encoded into Byte type image information, transmitted from the Raspberry Pi to the computer host responsible for calculation through wireless network transmission, decoded the received image into the original image, and put it into a trained deep learning model to determine If there is a target in the image, send an action message to let the smart ball picker collect or find the ball.


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