  • 學位論文


Attentional control deficits in subclinical depression:The effects of induced state rumination

指導教授 : 梁記雯


摘要 背景:憂鬱個體時常沉浸在負向情緒中,並不斷的思考引起負向情緒的原因、後果,甚至負向的解釋過去及預測未來,這種自我批評式的思考歷程稱之為反芻。已經有許多研究證實反芻與憂鬱症之間有顯著的相關,反芻可能預測、惡化及持續憂鬱症狀的發生。Koster等人(2011)認為導致個體持續反芻行為的原因與注意力控制缺損有關,尤其抑制功能及轉換功能。當個體遇到負向情緒事件時會陷入反芻狀態中,若個體具有負向的自我概念與反芻的負向思考具有較低的衝突時便無法重新評估環境、改善情緒、解決問題;而憂鬱情緒會導致個體出現注意力窄化的現象,個體會將注意力聚焦在負向情緒事件及細節上而無法抑制或轉換,此注意力控制的缺損會導致個體難以從反芻狀態中逃脫,使得個體憂鬱情緒惡化、持續或復發。因此探討憂鬱程度、反芻狀態與注意力抑制及轉換功能的關係具有臨床價值,然而目前針對反芻狀態對於注意力控制缺損影響的研究結果並不一致,本研究的主要目的即探討憂鬱與狀態反芻對注意力控制的影響。 方法:本研究邀請中原大學學生作為參與者,透過貝克憂鬱量表第二版進行篩選分成高憂鬱組(N=38)及低憂鬱組(N=40),並填寫中文版反應風格量表短版、情境-特質焦慮及注意力控制等量表。參與者首先被要求回想並寫下過去最難過的事情以誘發參與者的負向情緒,接著兩組參與者會被隨機再分派到憂鬱反芻誘發組或分心轉移誘發組,參與者被要求跟著電腦上的指導語進行反芻思考或分心轉移的因應策略。最後參與者完成混合反跳視作業。 結果:本研究的結果顯示憂鬱程度及反芻狀態對於參與者的注意力控制有顯著的交互作用影響。低憂鬱組的參與者較不會受到分心或反芻狀態的影響,無論是採取分心或是反芻反應的參與者,在注意力控制表現上沒有顯著差異;高憂鬱組的注意力控制表現則會受到反應方式的影響而有所不同。高憂鬱組中接受分心誘發的參與者,在混合區組中的反跳視錯誤率顯著較在單一區組中高,但在正跳視錯誤率上,混合區組與單一區組的錯誤率則無顯著差異;高憂鬱組中接受反芻誘發的參與者,無論在反跳視或正跳視錯誤率上,混合區組都顯著高於單一區組。 結論:本研究結果顯示低憂鬱者較不會受到情緒反應策略的影響,因此採取分心反應與反芻反應的參與者在注意力控制表現上沒有明顯差異。然而,高憂鬱者的注意力控制表現會受到反應方式的影響,採取分心反應的參與者比採取反芻反應的參與者表現出較佳的注意力轉換功能。推測可能是因為分心因應策略並非高憂鬱者慣用的情緒因應策略,使得高憂鬱者較難進入分心狀態,故不會佔據認知資源,因此導致採取分心反應的高憂鬱者有較佳的注意力控制表現。


Abstract Background: Depressed individuals are often immersed in negative emotions. They constantly think about the causes and consequences of negative emotions. They also tend to negatively recall the past and predict the future. The cognitive process involved in self-critical thinking is called rumination. Previous studies have found that rumination is related to the persistence, deterioration and recurrence of depression symptoms. Koster et al. (2011) suggested that repetitive rumination is related to the impaired attentional control abilities, particularly to inhibition and shifting. Rumination can be triggered by negative emotional events. When an individual possesses a negative self-conception that is concordant with his ruminant negative thinking, he will have difficulty in reappraising the situation and solving problems. Furthermore, depressive mood can also diminish his attentional control. As a result, he will have difficulty in inhibiting and switching attention from negative emotional events and details, and then this will maintain ruminating state and depressive mood. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of depression and state rumination on attentional control. Method: Undergraduates from Chung Yuan Christian University were recruited as participants. Participants were assigned to the high depression group(N=38) or the low depression group(N=40) according to their scores on the second edition of the Beck Depression Scale (BDI-II), and then they filled in questionnaires including Chinese Response Style Questionnaire-short form(CRSQ-20)、State–Trait Anxiety Inventory(STAI) and Attentional Control Scale(ACS). Next participants were asked to recall and write down their saddest event in the past to induce their negative emotions. Then participants were randomly assigned to adopt either the rumination or the distraction response strategies. Finally, they completed a mixed antisaccade task. Results: The results showed that the severity of depression and rumination have a significant interaction on attentional control. Participants with low depression were less likely to be affected by different response strategies of distraction or rumination. There was no significant difference in attentional control between the participants who took distraction or rumination response. Differently, the attentional control in participants with high depression were affected by different response strategies of distraction or rumination. Participants with high depression and adopting a distraction response had a significantly higher error rate in the mixed block than the single block for antisaccade but not prosaccade task. Participants with high depression and adopting a rumination response had a significantly higher error rate in the mixed block than the single block for both antisaccade and prosaccade task. Conclusion: The results of this study show that people with low depression are less affected by emotional response strategies, so there is no significant difference in attentional control between participants who took distracted responses and ruminate responses. However, the attentional control of high depression individuals will be affected by the way of response. Participants who took distracted responses show better shifting ability than those who take ruminant responses. It is presumed that the distraction response strategy is not the usual emotional response strategy used by high-depressed people, which makes it more difficult for high-depressed people to induce a distracted state, and therefore the distraction induction doesn’t occupy cognitive resources. Therefore, high-depressed people who took distracted responses showed better attentional control.


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