  • 學位論文


Analyzing the Relationship between Commercial Blog’s Source Credibility and Customer Loyalty-The Moderating Effect of Personal Brand

指導教授 : 陳筱琪


隨著網際網路的發展帶動部落格成為新社群媒體主宰力,連帶驅策消費者的消費決策模式,發展出新商業模式部落格逐漸商業化,廠商將部落格視為重要的行銷工具。許多部落客透過部落格創造出可觀的商業價值且發展出自己的個人品牌。在此現象中,其中有部落格充斥著置入性行銷及不實廣告,影響網友對於部落格的信任指數進而會質疑文章內容的真實性。本研究以商業部落格作為切入點,欲探討部落格訊息可信度下之專業性與顧客忠誠度之關聯性,以及不同的部落格屬性是否對其關聯性有差異,再加入個人品牌為干擾變數,探討是否會影響商業部落格訊息可信度與顧客忠誠度之間的關係。 創市際市場研究顧問公司在2014年針對網友習性及網站使用概況報告指出,15-34歲的網友為主要瀏覽部落格的族群。以目前大眾網路環境來看部落格主題分類,以美食、旅遊、美妝、圖文、3C、親子、娛樂及寵物這八大類為主。本研究將研究範圍縮小聚焦在美妝、美食及旅遊部落格上,以15-34歲之平常有上網瀏覽部落格的使用者為研究對象,採用問卷調查法進行無母數便利抽樣,運用樣本描述統計分析、信度分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、獨立樣本T檢定及迴歸分析進行本研究的假說驗證。 研究結果證實,訊息可信度構面下之專業性、親身體驗、關係密切度、可靠性,對顧客忠誠度均有顯著影響;干擾變數個人品牌不會干擾影響商業部落格訊息可信度與顧客忠誠度之關聯性;另外本研究有針對不同的部落格類型進行分群比較,其中在美妝部落格訊息可信度構面下之四個變項均有顯著影響,美食部落格除了專業性外其他變項對顧客忠誠度均有顯著影響,旅遊部落格之訊息可信度下的專業性、親身體驗變項對顧客忠誠度無顯著影響。經由本研究調查結果,期望能在實務界對未來有興趣做部落格行銷的人或部落格作者在經營部落格之策略擬定有所助益。


The development of the Internet has made blog a leading force in the new social media. Blog developed new commercial marketing models which is an important marketing tool by enterprises. Lots of bloggers have created considerable commercial values and established their own brands. This paper was to explore the relevance of commercial blog source credibility and customer loyalty. Then the different blog categories to explore the relevance of their differences, and personal brand as interference variable. This paper focused on beauty makeup, food, and travel blogs by narrowing the research scope and selected the users aged between 15 and 34 that browse blog in everyday life as research objects. It adopted questionnaire method for non-parametric convenience sampling, and conducted sample descriptive statistic analysis, reliability analysis, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, independent sample T test, and regression analysis for research hypothesis verification. The research found indicate that commercial blog source credibility investigated the effects of the on customer loyalty, disturbance variable personal brand does not have disturbing effect on the correlation between commercial blog source credibility and customer loyalty. In addition, different blog types were compared by classification in this study. It’s hoped that the verified results of this study will be helpful for those interested to engage in blog marketing in the practice field in the future or the bloggers who need to make blog operating strategies.


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