  • 學位論文


The Evaluation of CSIST’s Labor OutSourcing

指導教授 : 吳美連


摘 要 將各項工作之重要性重新定位,藉以尋求替代人力方案,進而將各項勞務外包,以減少人事成本支出並順遂進行研發任務,是現階段中科院人事政策必然的趨勢。本研究主要目的是藉由評估現行各項勞務外包項目之績效,瞭解中科院外包制度之主觀績效及客觀績效,並提出具體建議,做為中科院人力資源管理部門後續決策參考,提昇單位競爭力。經分析後,本研究之結果如下: 1.以客觀績效而言,行政聘僱人員業務外包可以節省成本52%為最高,科技人員節省49%次之,技術員41%又次之,僱工37%最低。 2.以主觀績效之顧客服務滿意度而言,「整體滿意度」平均值為3.77傾向滿意,「目標達成度」之顧客滿意度最高,平均為4.16,「流動率」之顧客滿意度最低,平均為3.41。 3.以主觀績效之外包人員工作滿意度項目而言,「整體滿意度」平均值為3.52,雖傾向滿意但仍有努力空間,尤其最不滿意的項目依次「昇遷機會」平均值僅為2.33;「可吩咐別人做事」平均值為2.82;「薪資與工作量相比」平均值為2.90;「單位執行政策」平均值為3.07;「社區地位」平均值為3.15,可看出問題所在及待努力方向。 綜合建議如下: 1.勞務外包確實可以大幅節省人事成本,且就顧客服務滿意度之問項而言,以目標達成度滿意度最高,表示勞務外包制度大多可滿足預期成果。故此制度值得大力推行。 2.就外包人員工作滿意度之最不滿意項目而言,中科院應在昇遷機會、薪資/工作量、政策執行及工作穩定等方面檢討改善,如此才可達到雙贏效果。


ABSTRACT The manpower planning and prioritizing workforce is the most emergent task of CSIST’s(CSIST:Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology) human resource management. Because of the budget cut, reducing the current human recourse expenditure becomes the major objective of CSIST’s personnel policy. Therefore, outsourcing some labor works could be the solution. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate CSIST’s labor outsourcing from the perspectives of subjective and objective performance standards. Data were collected through questionnaires from outsourcing workers and CSIST’s employees. The results of analyses were as follow: 1. In view of objective performance, the outsourcing administrative personnel can save 52% of labor cost, outsourcing engineers for 41%’s saving, and outsourcing labor workers for 37%’s saving. 2. In view of subjective performance, the mean of “total customer service satisfaction” is 3.77, and of “goal achievement” being 4.16. 3. In view of outsourcing workers’ job satisfaction, the mean of “total satisfaction” is 3.52. Though it tends to be satisfactory, it remains rooms for further endeavors. The least satisfactory items are “promotion opportunity” followed by “having authority to get others’ work done.”


Labor OutSourcing


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