  • 學位論文


Core Resource Type,Internationalization and Market Entry Strategy-A Case Studied on Global Top 5 Music Group

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


摘 要   唱片產業是文化商品中,流通性高、接受度高、疆域性低、最容易取得的娛樂商品之一。無論從生產面或消費面來看,音樂產品的成本比電影、電視低;邊際報酬率高產業。隨著全球化的來臨,唱片產業愈來愈具國際化的條件,衝著台灣的創作能量與華語音樂市場的掌握,國際五大唱片公司(華納、新力、EMI、BMG、環球)以放眼大中華為目標,十年之間陸續進駐台彎。外商憑藉著專業的財務管理與企業管理讓台灣的唱片市場發生結構式的變化,衝擊本公司的生存空間。   本文擬以新興的核心資源為理論基礎,探討如何檢視企業本身在所處環境中的機會、威脅,以及本身所擁有的優勢、劣勢(SWOT)來延伸由內而外的能力,做為國際化策略的決策分析。   在研究方法上,本文屬於質化的研究,致力於探索深層瞭解,故採個案研究方法進行;利用樣本收集資料、分析資料,冀望多元化的觀察與理論驗證。根據次級資的收集與初級資料的瞭解,「唱片產業」是一項對經濟活動有貢獻的產業,並可帶動其他相關傳播事業的活動,具備完整的價值活動,而過去在管理理論對此層面的論述文獻並不多,希望透過本文能在國際化風潮的今日,引證該產業理論的路徑。  在個案研究中對國際五大唱片集團國際化策略進入台灣市場的模式之關係研究,獲得以下結論: 1 核心資源與母公司國際化進入的模式有明顯的關聯性。 2 國際化策略與母公司國際化進入模式有明顯的關聯性。 3 核心資源與國際化策略之四種不同配合類型與母公司國際化進入模式有明顯的關聯性。 4 企業特徵對核心資源與國際化策略之四種不同配合類型與國際化進入模式有明顯的關聯性。 5 進入台灣市場的動機對核心資源與國際化策略四種不同配合之類型的國際化進入模式有明顯的關聯性。


Abstract Record industry produces high marketability, high acceptancy, low boundary limitations , and most accessable entertaining merchandise among cultural related products. Comparing to the movies and television programs, album products embrace the advantages of low cost and higher returns. As the trend of gloablization comes across the new millennium record industry is getting better qualifications to go internationalization. In light of the great music producing capacity in Taiwan and high familiarity of the Chinese music markets, the worldwide well known big five record companies (Warner, Sony, EMI, BMG and Universal) have landed Taiwan for nearly ten years, targeting Metro-Chinese markets by bringing their techniques in financial management and business management. By so doing, those foreign record giants reshuffle Taiwan record industry and endanger the seurvival of local record companies. Based on the core resources theories, this study will investigate local record company’s competitive components, i.e. strengths, weakness, opportunies and threats, thereby enabling them to extend their capacity to compete in the international markets. Methodologically, this study adopts case studies to conduct a thorough qualitative research aiming to discover the nature and characteristics of the record industry. Through data collection and data analysis, this study expect to prove the core resources theories by multilinearly observing the practical activities in the real world. Drawing from the case studies on the big five record companies, the writer hereby summarize following conclusions: 1. Core resources are intimately tied to the entry approaches of parent company’s internationalization. 2. internationalization strategy is significantly associated with the entry approach of the parent company’s internationalization. 3. Four team-up portfolios between core resources and internationzlization stragegies are significantly associated with entry approach of parent company’s internationzlization. 4. Characteristics of individral company in the record industry and internationalization strategies are significantly related. 5. Motives of entering Taiwan market are significantly tied to the entry approach of parent company’s internationzlization.


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