  • 學位論文


Development of Infrared Spectroscopic Method for Selectively Detection of Copper Ion in Aqueous Solution

指導教授 : 楊吉斯 黃悉雅


摘要 本研究首度結合配位子交換及傅立葉轉換紅外光譜儀,以減弱式全反射的方法,藉由特殊配位子交換之特殊性,來克服以往的紅外光感測器對於感測金屬離子水溶液樣品的限制。在感測器的材質方面,我們以衍生上胺基酸之高分子為覆膜層,經覆膜在減弱式全反射之晶體,當水溶液中的金屬離子進入感測層後,金屬離子會與感測層形成錯合物,使得感測層的高分子產生光譜的位移。我們可以藉著觀察光譜的位移達到吸附及測量之目的。研究中對許多影響到分佈常數的因子,如:配位金屬濃度、分佈平衡時間、pH值效應及競爭性配位子濃度等,皆加以探討。結果顯示,金屬離子的濃度會影響分佈平衡的時間,而且濃度越高,平衡越快。另外pH值在鹼性的環境下,配位的效果遠比在酸性下為佳。以氨水調控平衡常數可以得到十分優異之量測效果。由於錯合物生成常數的差異,使得部份干擾離子的存在並不會影響感測的結果,而且改變加入的配位子種類具有測量不同金屬離子的潛力。在最佳化的狀態下,測量水溶液中的銅離子,可以達到ppb的等級,感測的線性範圍在5x10-6 M至2x10-4 M。


Abstract Infrared (IR) chemical sensors provide fast and simple ways in detection of organic compounds in aqueous solution. However, the detections of high polarity compounds and metal ions in aqueous solution are not achievable by conventional infrared sensing method. In this thesis, we developed evanescent wave type of IR chemical sensors for selective detection of copper ions in aqueous solutions. In this new method, amino acid was derivatized on the surface of hydrophobic film, which has been pre-coated on the sensing element. The metal ion can be detected through the formation of metal complex of ions and the amino acids derivatized phase. This formation of metal complex causes peak shifts in the IR spectra, which can be utilized to monitor the amount of ion quantitatively. Factors, such as the concentration of copper ion, the response time, the pH in the solution, the amount of competing ligands, and the existence of other metal ions, were investigated in order to obtain the optimal conditions for detection of copper ions. Results indicated that formation constants for metal complexes influenced the IR signals significantly. Fortunately, the copper complex exhibits relative large formation constant compared to other commonly co-existed ions in aqueous solution. Therefore, the selective detection of copper in aqueous solution was achievable by amino acid derivatized IR sensor. Other factors, such as pH or concentration of competing ligand, also affected the analytical signals seriously and should be controlled at constant levels. Using the optimal conditions, the detection limited can be lower than 10 ppb and the linear regression coefficients in standard curves can be higher than 0.99 for a concentration range from 5x10-6 M to 2x10-4 M.


FT-IR SPME Ligand exchange Ifrared Copper Sensor


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