  • 學位論文

GATT/WTO爭端解決體系下「非違反協定行為 之控訴」之研究

The Non-Violation Complaint under the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement System

指導教授 : 李貴英


在GATT/WTO法制中,會員與會員之間所產生之貿易爭端,必須依照各該協定中之規定以及「爭端解決規則及程式瞭解書」之規範加以解決。而「非違反協定行為之控訴」,即為GATT/WTO爭端解決體系下所規範之一種控訴類型。我國既已成為WTO之會員,對於關係我國經貿權益至重之各項攻擊及防禦之武器,包括各種類型之控訴,即必須加以深入瞭解。 關於「非違反協定行為之控訴」,其最引人注意之特性,即為其規範要件之模糊。其次,則為其在實務上雖廣泛地被各個會員在爭端案件加以主張,迄今卻僅在少數案例中得以成立。故其在解釋及適用上,仍存在著許多爭議及討論之空間,而為GATT/WTO爭端解決體系中之一饒富趣味之課題。 因此,本文將首就GATT/WTO爭端解決體系之演進及其一般內容加以簡單介紹,說明其相關基礎規範。而其後即就「非違反協定行為之控訴」此一制度之淵源及發展過程、功能與目的、各個構成要件,以及成立後之救濟方式等加以說明。 本項研究所採用之方法,主要係依據實務在過往案例中之實踐經驗,以及學說上之見解,而加以統整呈現,並嘗試辨識出其所既已建立之若干原理及規則,以期能有助於對本類型控訴之理解及運用。


Non-violation complaint is one pattern of the complaints under the GATT/WTO jurisprudence. The most significant feature of non-violation complaint is its vague constitutional elements. Actually, this kind of compliant arose by the parties of the GATT and members of the WTO frequently has been established successfully in only three cases to date. The main approach employed in this thesis is to examine the relevant reports of the Working Party, the Panel reports, and the reports of the Appellate Body. Some principles and requirements related to the allegation of non-violation compliant had been identified, and others still remained to be seen in the future practice of DSB. This thesis begins with a brief introduction of the GATT/WTO dispute settlement system, and then put the emphasis on the evolution of the concept of non-violation complaint, the objectives and functions which it was designed for, the constitutional elements, and other relevant issues. However, further clarification from DSB or the changing of its position on certain question may affect the conclusions reached here from time to time.


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14. Raghavan, Chakravarthi. Panel Expands Scope of Non-violation Complaints, available in http://www.twnside.org.sg/title/scope.htm .
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