  • 學位論文

進入策略、成長策略與經營績效關係之研究 —以台商連鎖服務業進入中國大陸觀點分析

Entry Mode, Growth Strategy and Performance about Chain Stores in Mainland China

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


近年來,隨著我國經濟的快速發展,再加上國人對於服務自由化的重視下,目前我國經濟正快速朝服務業方向發展,服務業將是我國未來經濟發展之主軸。而在我國及大陸相繼加入WTO之後,使國內服務業市場朝向完全自由化的走向,而服務業貿易自由化所面臨的市場開放問題,短期而言,雖會對業者構成極大的競爭壓力,但長期而言,卻可促使服務業者提升服務技術並拓展國際業務,提供更多的生產及就業機會,從而使服務業總生產及就業比重進一步提高,裨益國內經濟發展。 本研究採用個案研究法,以台商連鎖服務業以進入中國大陸的企業為研究對象,探討連鎖服務業採取不同的進入策略、成長策略對經營績效是否會產生影響效果,最後探討企業特性對於進入策略、成長策略與經營績效的關係是否產生干擾影響。 本研究針對目前已在大陸發展兩年以上的連鎖服務業包括麗嬰房、信義房屋、休閒小站、統一星巴克、歐德名店及NB自然美進行了解,在深度訪談後,經由次級資料及個案彙整後,發展出命題。本結果發現: 1. 台商連鎖服務業選擇不同進入策略類型對其赴大陸投資之經營績效有差異。其中連鎖服務業選擇完全控制之進入策略其在(1)平均獲利率、(2)投資報酬率、(3)營業額成長率及(4)連鎖店數成長率(5)整體經營績效表現比共有控制型差。 2. 連鎖服務業選擇不同進入策略與成長策略配合類型對其赴大陸投資之經營績效有差異。其中當連鎖服務業採取共有控制內部型之策略配合類型,其在總營業額成長率有較好的表現。


These days, with the rapid development of the economy in Taiwan and people’s emphasis on service liberalization, the economy is tending towards service industry and the service industry will be in the core of economic development in Taiwan. After Taiwan’s and China’s entering WTO, although the fact that freedom of trade will bring about some changes in the market will cause a great deal of competition for proprietors in the short term, it can help proprietors in the service industry to promote service level, exploit international business and provide more production and work opportunities in the long term. Therefore, the development of service industry can not only do good to the economy but also promote output value of service industry. This paper uses case study and takes the chain stores in Taiwan as the research objects. The paper discusses if the corporate performances of firms investing in Mainland China are influenced by their entry strategy and growth strategy. This paper selects six chain stores which have developed in the Mainland China for two years, including Les Enphants, Easy Way, O’Girl, NB, Sinyi and Starbucks. Overall, we induced the results of this paper are as follows: 1. The chain stores in Taiwan adopting different entry modes differ in performances. After investing Mainland China and choosing the full-control entry mode, the corporate performance of the Taiwan firms are worse than the others. 2. The chain stores in Taiwan adopting different fit types differ in performances. After investing Mainland China and choosing the shared-control and internal fit types, the corporate performance of the Taiwan firms are better than the others in total sales growth ratio.


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